Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Hyperlinks and Bookmarks



See also

Manage bookmarks

Each template contains a number of bookmarks that mark the sections; you can apply these bookmarks to related sections, create and assign your own, delete those that are not required, and locate specific bookmarks in the document

In Page Mode, select the Insert | Bookmark menu option; the Bookmark dialog displays

  • To assign a bookmark to the current cursor position, either type a new bookmark in the top field or select one from the list, and click on the Insert button
  • To delete an existing bookmark, click on it in the list and click on the Delete button
  • To mark a bookmark with the number of the page it is on, click on the bookmark in the list and click on the Set Page Reference button
  • To locate a bookmark in the text, click on it in the list and click on the Go to button


Insert hyperlinks

Right-click on the point at which to create the hyperlink and select the Insert | Hyperlink context menu option; the Insert Hyperlink dialog displays

You can create a hyperlink within an RTF document to an external document, Help topic or web page

In the Link Text field, type the text to be hyperlinked and, in the Link Code field, type or paste the web page URL, help topic file or external file path and name

To capture the help topic file name, right-click on the displayed topic, select the Properties context menu option, and copy the file name - when you insert the file name in the Link Code field, ensure that the file name has the prefix $Help:/ /

Click on the OK button; the hyperlinked text displays in the document

Double-click on the link to display the web page or external document