Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Image and Object Inserts



See also

Embed a picture in the document

Position the cursor at the point at which to insert the picture bitmap or Windows metafile, and either:

  • Select the Insert | Embed Picture menu option, or
  • Press ( Alt+F8 )

A browser dialog displays, through which you select the picture to embed in the document.; the picture displays at the current cursor location

The embedded picture is saved within the document


Link a picture file to the document

Position the cursor at the point at which to link the picture bitmap or Windows metafile, and select the Insert | Link Picture menu option

A browser dialog displays, through which you select the picture to link to the document; the picture displays at the current cursor location

Linked picture data is not saved with the document, only the filename is stored within the document


Embed an Ole object in the text

Position the cursor at the point at which to embed the object, and select the Insert | Ole Object menu option; the Insert Object dialog displays, listing the applications that are available to create the object

When you select an application, the editor launches it and you create the required object using this application; when you save the application, the editor inserts an icon that indicates the inserted object

You can later edit the object using the application, by double-clicking on the object

You can also use the Edit | Paste Special menu option to import the OLE objects, provided that the object is available in the clipboard

Block editing

Edit an embedded picture

Click on the picture and select the Edit | Edit Picture menu option; the Edit Current Picture Parameters dialog displays, through which you can change the width and height of the picture, in inches

You can also align the top, bottom, or middle of the picture with the base line of the text


Edit an embedded Ole object

Double-click on the icon that indicates the inserted Ole object; alternatively, position the cursor on the icon and select the Edit | Edit Ole Object menu option

The editor opens the object in the application used to create it, and you can edit the object


Insert a background picture for the text

Select the Other | Background Picture menu option; a browser dialog displays, through which you select the bitmap or metafile file to insert as a background picture

The picture occupies the entire text area

To remove the background picture, deselect the Background Picture menu option


Insert an RTF File

Position the cursor at the point at which to insert the file, and select the Insert | Insert RTF File menu option