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Supported Attributes
Supported Stereotype Attributes:
The following attributes can be applied to stereotypes in UML Profiles:
Attribute |
Meaning |
See Also |
icon |
Contains the path to a bitmap file to be used as the Project Browser icon for all elements other than Package, with the given stereotype The bitmap must be 16x16 pixels For a transparent background, use light grey - RGB(192,192,192) For this attribute to work correctly, the _metatype attribute must also be used (see below) |
_image |
Shape script definition |
_instanceMode |
Used for defining behavior on creating an instance |
_instanceOwner |
_instanceType |
_metatype |
Used for defining stereotypes as metatypes |
_sizeY |
Initial height of the element, in pixels at 100% zoom |
_sizeX |
Initial width of the element, in pixels at 100% zoom |
_strictness |
Used for restricting application of multiple stereotypes |
Supported Metaclass Attributes:
The following attributes can be applied to metaclass Classes in UML Profiles, and refer to the stereotypes that extend them:
Attribute |
Meaning |
See Also |
_attInh |
If set to 1, switches on the Inherited Features: Show Attributes setting |
_attPkg |
If set to 1, switches on the Attribute Visibility: Package setting |
_attPri |
If set to 1, switches on the Attribute Visibility: Private setting |
_attPro |
If set to 1, switches on the Attribute Visibility: Protected setting |
_attPub |
If set to 1, switches on the Attribute Visibility: Public setting |
_conInh |
If set to 1, switches on the Show Element Compartments: Inherited Constraints setting |
_constraint |
If set to 1, switches on the Show Element Compartments: Constraints setting |
_defaultDiagramType |
Used for defining child diagram types |
_hideStype |
If set to a comma-separated list of stereotypes, sets the Hide Stereotyped Features filter |
_isVertical |
If set to True for an ActivityPartition stereotype, creates a vertical ActivityPartition by default |
_lineStyle |
Sets the line style of a connector; the value of the attribute can be one of:
_makeComposite |
Used for creating composite elements |
_opInh |
If set to 1, switches on the Inherited Features: Show Operations setting |
_opPkg |
If set to 1, switches on the Operation Visibility: Package setting |
_opPri |
If set to 1, switches on the Operation Visibility: Private setting |
_opPro |
If set to 1, switches on the Operation Visibility: Protected setting |
_opPub |
If set to 1, switches on the Operation Visibility: Public setting |
_pType |
If set to 1, switches on the Show element type (Port or Part only) setting |
_resInh |
If set to 1, switches on the Show Element Compartments: Inherited Responsibilities setting |
_responsibility |
If set to 1, switches on the Show Element Compartments: Responsibilities setting |
_runstate |
If set to 1, switches on the Hide Object Runstate in current diagram setting |
_sourceAggregation |
Used to set the aggregation type at the end of a connector; do not set both _sourceAggregation and _targetAggregation Set to 1 for shared, 2 for composite |
_sourceMultiplicity |
Used to set the multiplicity of the source element, such as 1..* or 0..1 |
_sourceNavigability |
If the connector is non-navigable, set this attribute to Non-Navigable; for other values, set the Direction attribute |
_subtypeProperty |
Used to specify the fully qualified name of a Tagged Value that acts as a subtype for the element, and that must be set when created This Tagged Value must be created on the stereotype using an Association to an Enumeration element |
_tag |
If set to 1, switches on the Show Element Compartments: Tags setting |
_tagGroupings |
Maps the Tagged Values into the _tagGroups (below) displayed in the Tagged Values window, in the form: tagName1=groupName1;tagName2=groupName2; |
_tagGroups |
A comma-separated list of required groups in the order in which they are to be displayed in the Tagged Values window; for example: groupName1,groupName2 |
_tagGroupStates |
Maps _tagGroups displayed in the Tagged Values window to the state of open or closed, in the form: groupName1=open;groupName2=closed; |
_tagInh |
If set to 1, switches on the Show Element Compartments: Inherited Tags setting |
_targetAggregation |
Used to set the aggregation type at the end of a connector; do not set both _sourceAggregation and _targetAggregation Set to 1 for shared, 2 for composite |
_targetMultiplicity |
Used to set the multiplicity of the target element, such as 1..* or 0..1 |
_targetNavigability |
If the connector is non-navigable, set this attribute to Non-Navigable; for other values, set the Direction attribute |