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Supported Attributes

Supported Stereotype Attributes:

The following attributes can be applied to stereotypes in UML Profiles:



See Also


Contains the path to a bitmap file to be used as the Project Browser icon for all elements other than Package, with the given stereotype

The bitmap must be 16x16 pixels

For a transparent background, use light grey - RGB(192,192,192)

For this attribute to work correctly, the _metatype attribute must also be used (see below)



Shape script definition




Used for defining behavior on creating an instance

Defining Behavior on Creating an Instance




Used for defining stereotypes as metatypes

Define a Stereotype as a Metatype


Initial height of the element, in pixels at 100% zoom



Initial width of the element, in pixels at 100% zoom



Used for restricting application of multiple stereotypes

Restricting Application of Multiple Stereotypes

Supported Metaclass Attributes:

The following attributes can be applied to metaclass Classes in UML Profiles, and refer to the stereotypes that extend them:



See Also


If set to 1, switches on the Inherited Features: Show Attributes setting



If set to 1, switches on the Attribute Visibility: Package setting



If set to 1, switches on the Attribute Visibility: Private setting



If set to 1, switches on the Attribute Visibility: Protected setting



If set to 1, switches on the Attribute Visibility: Public setting



If set to 1, switches on the Show Element Compartments: Inherited Constraints setting



If set to 1, switches on the Show Element Compartments: Constraints setting



Used for defining child diagram types

Define Child Diagram Types


If set to a comma-separated list of stereotypes, sets the Hide Stereotyped Features filter



If set to True for an ActivityPartition stereotype, creates a vertical ActivityPartition by default



Sets the line style of a connector; the value of the attribute can be one of:

  • direct
  • auto
  • custom
  • bezier
  • treeH (horizontal)
  • treeV (vertical)
  • treeLH (lateral horizontal)
  • treeLV (lateral vertical)
  • orthogonalS (orthogonal, square corners)
  • orthogonalR (orthogonal, rounded corners)



Used for creating composite elements

Create Composite Elements


If set to 1, switches on the Inherited Features: Show Operations setting



If set to 1, switches on the Operation Visibility: Package setting



If set to 1, switches on the Operation Visibility: Private setting



If set to 1, switches on the Operation Visibility: Protected setting



If set to 1, switches on the Operation Visibility: Public setting



If set to 1, switches on the Show element type (Port or Part only) setting



If set to 1, switches on the Show Element Compartments: Inherited Responsibilities setting



If set to 1, switches on the Show Element Compartments: Responsibilities setting



If set to 1, switches on the Hide Object Runstate in current diagram setting



Used to set the aggregation type at the end of a connector; do not set both _sourceAggregation and _targetAggregation

Set to 1 for shared, 2 for composite



Used to set the multiplicity of the source element, such as 1..* or 0..1



If the connector is non-navigable, set this attribute to Non-Navigable; for other values, set the Direction attribute

Connector Class


Used to specify the fully qualified name of a Tagged Value that acts as a subtype for the element, and that must be set when created

This Tagged Value must be created on the stereotype using an Association to an Enumeration element



If set to 1, switches on the Show Element Compartments: Tags setting



Maps the Tagged Values into the _tagGroups (below) displayed in the Tagged Values window, in the form:




A comma-separated list of required groups in the order in which they are to be displayed in the Tagged Values window; for example:




Maps _tagGroups displayed in the Tagged Values window to the state of open or closed, in the form:




If set to 1, switches on the Show Element Compartments: Inherited Tags setting



Used to set the aggregation type at the end of a connector; do not set both _sourceAggregation and _targetAggregation

Set to 1 for shared, 2 for composite



Used to set the multiplicity of the target element, such as 1..* or 0..1



If the connector is non-navigable, set this attribute to Non-Navigable; for other values, set the Direction attribute

Connector Class