Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

The Start Page

The Start Page is normally the first screen you see when you open Enterprise Architect; later, as you develop your models, you can configure the system to display diagrams or other windows as the opening screen.

The Start Page provides useful navigation tools and jumping off points when you first open Enterprise Architect - including the recent files list, commands to create or copy projects and connect to repository servers, and useful Help topics to get you started. Links to online resources and to the Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect  Community website can also help you get up to speed and explore the possibilities of Enterprise Architect. As you develop a pattern in your use of the system, you can also tailor the user interface to give you more immediate access to the tools and environments you most often use.

If you have no projects of your own to open yet, open the EAExample project or use the QuickStart Tutorial to create a project to explore.

Access    If a different screen is displayed, select Window | Show Start Page

Using the Start Page



See also

Interface Customization Wizard

If you often work with specific features, using the same menu options,  windows or integrated technologies, select which tailored sets of commands and windows, or which technologies, to make immediately available as your own working environment.


User Interface Customization

Open a Project File

Display the Select Enterprise Architect Project to Open dialog, which you use to open an existing project (where you have more project files than can be listed in the Recent panel).


Open a Project

Create a New Project

Save a new project and open the Model Wizard dialog.

Create a New Project

Model Wizard


Copy a Base Project

Select a different Base Project to generate a new project from.

Copy a Base Project


Connect to Server

Specify a Data Source name to connect to; the supported repositories are listed on the right.

This feature is available in the Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions.

Connect to Server


SQL Server & SQL Server Express

Oracle 9i, 10g and 11g



Adaptive Server Anywhere

Access 2007

Progress OpenEdge


Getting Started

Open the Learning Center, to display useful topics and guides for various areas of work in Enterprise Architect.


Learning Center

Configure Options

Display the Help on the Options dialog, which enables you to define how Enterprise Architect displays and processes information.



Online Resources & Tutorials

Open the Resources page of the Sparx Systems website, which provides access to a wide range of Enterprise Architect and UML tutorials, demonstrations, examples, Add-Ins and advice.


The Web Browser

Enterprise Architect Community

Access the Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Community Site, which contains a range of articles, discussions, tools and resources provided by both Sparx Systems and the Enterprise Architect user community.

You must register to use the facilities of the site; you can also register as an author and submit material yourself, for others to read and use.


Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Community Site


Select from a list of hyperlinks to the most recently used Enterprise Architect projects (both .EAP files and DBMS connections).

If necessary, you can remove the hyperlink to a project from this list.


Remove Recent Projects


If your model has a default diagram set, that diagram opens immediately, hiding the Start Page; you can still access the Start Page from the diagram tabs below the diagram
If you have set a shortcut view profile, that overrides the default diagram setting
You can also hide the Start Page, and show it again, by de-selecting and selecting the Window | Show Start Page option; the setting persists though shut down and restart, until you specifically change the option again

Learn more