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See also

Maintenance Items

Maintenance items are defects, changes, issues and tasks. They all apply to individual model elements and can be used to record and capture problems, changes, issues and tasks as they arise, and document the solution and associated details. They are defined as follows:

A defect can be considered as a failure to meet a requirement for the current model element
A change can be considered as a change in requirement for the current model element
An issue records a risk factor that might affect the project being recorded for the current model element
A task is a means of recording work in progress and work outstanding for the current model element


Note that each of these maintenance items applies at the model element level. For changes, defects and issues that apply to the whole system, see the Changes and Defects topic; for tasks that apply to the whole system, see the Project Tasks topic.


Changes and Defects

Project Tasks

Creating and Editing Maintenance Items

The following topics explain how to create and edit Maintenance items:

The Maintenance Workspace - describes the Maintenance window
Maintenance Item Properties - describes how to complete the Maintenance window tabs for the various maintenance items
Move or Copy Maintenance Items - describes how to move items between maintenance categories or generate items from an item in a different category
Create Elements From Maintenance Items - describes how to generate elements from maintenance items
Show Maintenance Script in Diagram - describes how to display maintenance items in elements on diagrams
Insert Maintenance Feature - describes how to add a maintenance item directly to an element via in-place editing


The Maintenance Workspace

Maintenance Item Properties

Move or Copy Maintenance Items

Create Elements From Maintenance Items

Insert Maintenance Feature

Learning Center topics

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