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Maintenance Item Properties

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How to

To create, edit or delete maintenance items



See also


Open a diagram or the Project Browser and select an element.

In Item mode, the oldest maintenance item of each type for that element is shown in the Maintenance window, on the appropriate tab.

The other items are listed either in the left hand panel or in List mode.




Click on the Browse Element icon in the window toolbar.

The Element Browser displays.





Add a new item, select the appropriate tab, click on the New icon in the Maintenance window toolbar and complete the fields as described in the table below
Modify an existing item, select the item from the left-hand list panel or from the Maintenance folder of the Element Browser and edit the fields as described in the table below
Delete an existing item, select the item from the left-hand list panel or the Maintenance folder of the Element Browser window and click on the Delete icon in the Maintenance window toolbar




Click on the Save button in the window toolbar.




Complete or edit the following fields on the Maintenance window



See also


Type the name or a short description of the defect.




As an alternative to typing in the name, click on this button to insert predefined auto-counter text.

If you already have some text in the Name field, it is over-written by the auto-counter text.


Use Auto Naming and Auto Counters

Reported by

Select the name of the person who reported the defect.




Select the date on which the defect was reported.




Select the defect status, such as New or Complete.



Resolved by

Select the name of the person who fixed the defect.




Select the date on which the defect was resolved.




Select the priority assigned to resolving the defect.




Type the version number associated with this fix.




Type a longer description of the defect; you can format the text using the Notes toolbar at the top of the field.


This text is also reflected in the Notes window, but cannot be edited there.


Notes Toolbar


Enter any notes or references to previous occurrences of this defect; you can format the text using the Notes toolbar at the top of the field.


This text is also reflected in the Notes window, but cannot be edited there.




For information on element-level Defects, Issues, Changes and Tasks, see the Maintenance topic; for information on the Maintenance window, see the Maintenance Workspace topic
The above table describes the fields of the Defects tab of the Maintenance window; the Changes, Issues and Tasks tabs differ only in minor details

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