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Breakpoint and Marker Management

Breakpoints work in Enterprise Architect much like in any other debugger. Adding a breakpoint notifies the debugger to trap code execution at the point you have specified. When a breakpoint is encountered by a thread of the application being debugged, the source code is displayed in the Source Code Editor, and the line of code where the breakpoint occurred is highlighted.

Selecting a different package in the project affects which breakpoints are displayed. An Enterprise Architect model maintains breakpoints for every package having a Build Script - Debug command.

Access     Analyzer | Breakpoints & Events

Breakpoint and Markers Options:



See also

Delete a breakpoint or marker

To delete a specific breakpoint:

If the breakpoint is enabled, click on the red breakpoint circle in the left margin of the Source Code Editor, or
Right-click on the breakpoint or marker in the Source Code Editor, the Breakpoints folder or the Breakpoints & Events window and select the Delete context menu option, or
Select the breakpoint in the Debug Breakpoints tab and press (Delete)


Setting Code Breakpoints

Delete all breakpoints

Click on the Delete all breakpoints button on the Breakpoints & Events window toolbar (DeleteBreakpoints).



Convert breakpoint to Start Recording marker or End Recording marker

(For Visual Execution Analysis, when recording execution to generate a Sequence diagram).

In the Breakpoints folder or the Breakpoints & Events window, right-click on the breakpoint and select the context menu option to convert it to either a Start Recording marker or an End Recording marker.


Recording Sequence Diagrams

Disable a breakpoint

Deselect the checkbox against the breakpoint or marker, on the Breakpoints & Events window.

The breakpoint is then shown as an empty grey circle.



Enable a breakpoint or marker

Select the checkbox against the breakpoint or marker, on the Breakpoints & Events window.



Disable all breakpoints

Click on the Disable all breakpoints button in the Breakpoints & Events window toolbar (Disableallbreakpoints).



Enable all breakpoints

Click on the Enable all breakpoints button in the Breakpoints & Events window toolbar (Enableallbreakpoints).



Change the stack depth

Set the number of stack levels to record to, relative to the level at which recording starts.


Control Stack Depth

Identify or change the marker set

Check the VEA-BPSet field in the Breakpoints & Events window toolbar.

If necessary, click on the drop down arrow and select a different marker set.

The Default set is normally used for debugging and is personal to your user ID; other marker sets are shared between all users within the model.


Working with Marker Sets

Change how breakpoints and markers are grouped on the Breakpoints & Events window

The breakpoints and markers can be grouped by Class or by code file.

To group the items, click on the down arrow on the   VEA-BPView icon in the toolbar, and click on the appropriate option.

If you do not want to group the items, click on the selected option to deselect it; the breakpoints and markers are line listed by line number.



Breakpoint States:




Not running

See also










Not bound - this usually means that the DLL is not yet loaded or was not built with debug information.





Failed - this usually means a break could not be set at this time.


Failure to Bind Breakpoint

Learn more