Languages Supported
The Source Code Editors can display code in all of the languages listed in the table below. For each language, the editor highlights - in colored text - the standard code syntax.
Supported Languages
• | C++ (.h, .hh, .hpp, .c, .cpp, .cxx) |
• | DDL Structured Query Language (.sql) |
• | Diff/Patch Files (.diff, .patch) |
• | Document Type Definition (.dtd) |
• | DOS Command Scripts (.cmd) |
• | Interface Definition Language (.idl, .odl) |
• | Javascript (.javascript) |
• | Modified Backus-Naur Form Grammar (.mbnf) |
• | Standard Generalized Markup Language (.sgml) |
• | VHSIC Hardware Description Language (.vhdl) |
• | Visual Studio Resource Configuration (.rc) |
• | XML (eXtensible Markup Language) (.xml) |
Generate BPEL 1.1
Generate BPEL 2.0
Generate DDL
Web Style Templates
Generate XSD
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