Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Import MDG Technologies to APPDATA
The preferred method of making an MDG Technology available to your project team members is to import the technology into the %APPDATA%\Sparx Systems\EA\MDGTechnologies folder. To import an MDG Technology you must have a suitable MDG Technology XML file. If the MDG Technology includes references to any metafiles, they should be in the same directory as the MDG Technology XML file.
On startup, Enterprise Architect scans the APPDATA folder (as well as the Enterprise Architect Install directory MDGTechnologies subfolder) for technology files, to make them available through the MDG Technologies dialog. Technologies imported to the APPDATA folder are indicated by the text Location: Technology.xml.
Access Tools | MDG Technology Import
How to
To import a technology
Step |
Action |
1 |
Select the MDG Technology Import menu option. The Copy Technology to Application Data dialog displays.
2 |
In the Filename field, type the path and filename of the MDG Technology file to import, or browse for it using the ( ... ) button. When you enter the filename, the MDG Technology name and version display in the Technology and Version fields.
3 |
Click on the OK button.
Once the import is complete, you must restart Enterprise Architect; the MDG Technology is then listed in the MDG Technologies dialog.
• | This feature is not available in the Desktop edition of Enterprise Architect |
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