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Combine Testpoints

Testpoints are applied to a Class. Where functionality requires tests across multiple Classes, you can group the tests together to allow a single test run across the group of Classes.

You group the tests on a Test Domain diagram, either:

Manually using the Test Domain Toolbox pages and Project Browser, or
Automatically from the results of using the debugger and Record & Analyze window




See also

Create Test Domain diagram manually

Create a new Test Domain diagram under the required package, and drag a Test Cut element from the Test Domain Toolbox page onto the diagram; give the element an appropriate name, such as the name of the Class it acts on.

Drag the Class containing the tests from the Project Browser onto the diagram, and select the 'paste as simple link' option on the Paste Element dialog; create a Dependency connector between the Test Cut element and the Class.

(When you select the Test Cut element on the diagram when the Testpoints window is open, the operations of the Class are listed in the window, each followed by a checkbox; you then select the checkbox against each Class operation to include in the Test Cut).

Drag and connect further Test Cut and Class element pairs on the diagram as appropriate.

Drag a Test Set element from the Toolbox onto the diagram, and create a Dependency relationship between this element and each of the Test Cut elements; the resulting diagram should resemble the following:



If you want to further combine tests, set up additional Test Set hierarchies and then drag a Test Suite element onto the diagram from the Toolbox; create a Dependency relationship between this element and each of the Test Set elements.

When you open the Testpoints window, you can select any element on the diagram to display that element and its hierarchy in the window; you can then execute the test run on your selection.

If the selection checkboxes do not display, select the Testcut element on the diagram again.


Test Domain Toolbox


Test Cut




Test Set














Test Suite


The Testpoints Window

Generate Test Domain diagram  from Sequence Record

To generate a Testpoint Domain diagram automatically:

Build and debug your code successfully
Work through the process of recording the stack trace to generate a Sequence diagram
When you have completed recording (whether or not you display the Sequence diagram), click on the Testpoints icon in the Record & Analyze window toolbar
Open the Testpoints window, select any element on the diagram to display that element and its hierarchy in the window, and execute the test run on your selection


You cannot automatically generate a Test Suite element from the Sequence record, only Test Sets, Test Cuts and Classes.



Recording Sequence Diagrams

Recorder Toolbar

The Testpoints Window

Learning Center topics

(Alt+F1) | Execution Analysis | Testpoints | Add Test Cut
(Alt+F1) | Execution Analysis | Testpoints | Add Test Set
(Alt+F1) | Execution Analysis | Testpoints | Add Test Suite