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Create Toolbox Profiles using the Profile Helpers

Within an MDG Technology you can create multiple Toolbox Profiles. Each Toolbox Profile contains definitions that determine what pages appear in the Toolbox when it is opened, either by selection from the More tools... option in the Diagram Toolbox, or by opening or creating a diagram of the type that is linked to the Toolbox Profile.

Create a Toolbox Profile



See also


If you have not already, use the Model Wizard's MDG Technology Builder option to create a set of packages for defining profiles.

In the Project Browser, locate the package with the <<toolbox profile>> stereotype and open its child diagram.  This diagram shows an example toolbox profile with a single toolbox page.


Using the Profile Helpers


Drag the Create Custom Toolbox item from the Profile Helpers toolbox page onto the diagram.  The Select a Toolbox Profile Package Dialog is displayed.




Using the Toolbox Profile Package Dialog, locate the package with the <<toolbox profile>> stereotype, which was mentioned in step 1.

Select the package and click on the OK button. The Create Toolbox Page dialog is displayed.




In the Toolbox Name field enter the name for your toolbox; for example, MyClass.

This is the name which will be displayed for the toolbox when using the More tools... option in the Diagram Toolbox.




In the Description field enter a description for the toolbox; for example, Elements for Class diagrams.

This description acts as a default tool tip for your toolbox.  If you do not define a tool tip for a toolbox page, as mentioned in step 10, then this description will be used as the tool tip instead.




Click on the OK button.

The diagram which you will use to define your toolbox is created and displayed.




(Optional) When dragging an item from a toolbox onto a diagram, this item will typically create an element or a connector.  It is also possible to have a single toolbox item, which when dragged onto a diagram, will provide a selection of items to choose from.  This is referred to as a Hidden Sub-Menu.

If you want your Toolbox to contain one or more Hidden Sub-Menu you should define these before proceeding with the steps on this page.  Refer to the link in the See also column for details.


Create Hidden Sub-Menus using the Profile Helpers


You can now define one or more Toolbox pages which will appear on the Toolbox.

Drag the Add Toolbox Page item from the Profile Helpers toolbox page onto the diagram.  The Add Toolbox Page Dialog is displayed.




In the Name field, enter the Name for the Toolbox page; for example, My Class Elements or My Class Relationships.

This is text which will display in the title bar of the corresponding Toolbox page.




In the Tool Tip field, enter the Tool Tip for the corresponding Toolbox page; for example, Elements for Class Diagrams or Relationships for Class Diagrams.




The Icon field in this case will be disabled.  This field is only used when defining Hidden Sub-Menu toolboxes.




(Optional) Enable the appropriate check boxes to determine the appearance and functionality of the toolbox page.

Images Only: if enabled, will display the toolbox page without the text labels next to the icons
Is Hidden: if enabled, defines the toolbox page as a hidden sub-menu.  Refer to the link in the See also column for details.
Is Common: if enabled, the Toolbox page is common to all defined Toolboxes while your technology is active; the page is initially displayed as collapsed
Is Collapsed: if enabled, the Toolbox page is initially minimized


Create Hidden Sub-Menus using the Profile Helpers


You can now add items such as elements and connectors to the toolbox.  Click on the down arrow which is located on the right side of the Add button.  Select one of the following options:

Add Stereotype: adds a toolbox item for a stereotype which you have defined in a UML profile.  This  UML profile must have been defined in the current model, and will need to be included in the MDG technology along with the toolbox profile.  After selecting this option, the Select a Profile Element dialog is displayed. Use this to locate and select the stereotype you want to add.
Add Built in Type |:
Element: adds a toolbox item for a UML element type. After selecting this option the Create new Toolbox Item dialog is displayed.  In the Alias field, enter the label to appear on the toolbox item, then click OK.  The Select Metaclass dialog is then displayed.  Using this dialog, select the UML element type you want to add to your toolbox, then click OK.
Connector: adds a toolbox item for a UML connector type. After selecting this option the Create new Toolbox Item dialog is displayed.  In the Alias field, enter the label to appear on the toolbox item, then click OK.  The Select Metaclass dialog is then displayed.  Using this dialog, select the UML connector type you want to add to your toolbox, then click OK.
Add Hidden Toolbox: adds a Hidden Toolbox sub-menu item.  The Hidden Toolbox must have been defined before using this option. After selecting this option the Create new Toolbox Item dialog is displayed.  In the Alias field, enter the label to appear on the toolbox item, then click OK.  The Select a Hidden Toolbox Stereotype dialog is then displayed.  Using this dialog, select the Hidden Toolbox you want to add to your toolbox, then click OK.
Add New Item: adds a toolbox item with an Alias only.  This option alone will not create a functional toolbox item.  A toolbox item added in this way must be later modified via the Toolbox Items list.


If you simply click on the Add button, and not the drop down arrow, this will provide the same functionality as the Add Stereotype option.




(Optional) It is possible to define a Toolbox item which will create an item from an external MDG Technology. For example you may want to add a tooolbox item which creates a SysML1.3 Block element.


To do this use the Add New Item option mentioned in step 13. The Create new Toolbox Item dialog is displayed. In the Alias field, enter the label to appear on the toolbox item, then click OK.

The Toolbox item will be added to the Toolbox Items list.  In the Stereotype field for this Toolbox item enter the following:




ExTechnology is the ID of the technology and ExStereotype is the name of the stereotpye/metatype that this toolbox item will create. BaseUMLType is the base UML type of the non-UML object being extended.  For example:




Note, all non-UML objects in EA are an extension of a UML Type.  You can reveal an element's base UML type be deleting it's stereotypes. For example, create a SysML1.3 Block. Using the Properties Window, delete the Block element's stereotype. The element's Type will change from Block to Class.


To ensure the correct formatting of the base UML type, refer to the links in the see also column.

















Elements Used in Toolboxes

Connectors Used in Toolboxes


(Optional) It is possible to define a Toolbox item which will drop a Pattern onto a diagram. To do this use the Add New Item option mentioned in step 13. The Create new Toolbox Item dialog is displayed.  In the Alias field, enter the label to appear on the toolbox item, then click OK.

The Toolbox item will be added to the Toolbox Items list.  In the Stereotype field for this Toolbox item enter  the following:


  My Technology::MyPattern(UMLPattern)


MyTechnology is the ID of the technology and MyPattern is the name of the Pattern to drop; for example:




If you want to avoid displaying the Add Pattern dialog, replace (UMLPattern) with (UMLPatternSilent).

To define a model-based Pattern in a custom Toolbox (such as the GoF Patterns), create an attribute with a name of the format:




For example:


  GoF Behavioral Patterns::Mediator(UMLPattern)




(Optional) After adding the toolbox item it will appear in the Toolbox Items list.  You can optionally add a custom Icon image for a toolbox item.

The icon image must be a 16x16 pixel bitmap file; for a transparent background use light grey - RGB(192,192,192).

To set the icon for a toolbox item, locate the item in the Toolbox Items list and click within the Toolbox Icon column. Click on the ellipsis (.) within this column.  The Select a Toolbox Icon dialog displays. Locate the image file and click the Open button.




Repeat steps 13 to 16 for each item you want to add to the toolbox page.  If you want to remove a toolbox item, select it from the Toolbox Items list and click on the Delete button.

Once all the appropriate toolbox items have been added click on the OK button.  A Stereotype element will be added to your toolbox profile diagram.




Repeat steps 8 to 17 for each toolbox page you want to include in the toolbox.




Save the toolbox profile by right-clicking on the diagram and selecting the Save as Profile context menu option.


Export a Profile


After a toolbox page has been added you can modify it's properties again by right clicking the appropriate stereotype element on the toolbox profile diagram and selecting Edit with Profile Helper
The sequence of Toolbox pages in the Toolbox is determined by the sequence of their Stereotype elements in the Profile diagram or Profile package; if you create and save the Profile from a:
Diagram, the Toolbox page sequence is determined by the Z-order of the Stereotype elements on the diagram - the higher the Z-order number of the Stereotype element, the further down the Toolbox its Toolbox page is placed; if you change the Z-order of a Stereotype element in the diagram, it changes the position of the element's page on the Toolbox
Package in the Project Browser, the Toolbox page sequence is determined by the list order of the Stereotype elements in the package - the Toolbox page for the first listed element is at the top of the Toolbox; if you re-order the elements in the Project Browser, you produce the same re-ordering of pages in the Toolbox

Learn more

Diagram Context Menu (Modify Z-Order option)