Connectors Used In Toolboxes
When you are creating Toolbox pages for your MDG Technology, you can incorporate both standard UML connectors and new connectors that you have created by extending the UML connectors. You define the connectors you want to use in the Toolbox Profile. The table below lists the names you use to identify either:
• | The standard connectors to include in the Toolbox page or |
• | The standard connectors you are extending to define new connectors to include in the Toolbox page
Each name you list in the Toolbox Page Stereotype elements is preceded by the namespace UML::. The text in red indicates the label name displayed in the default Toolbox pages, where this differs in any way from the statement text.
Connector names for Toolbox Page definitions
• | AssociationClass (Association Class) |
• | CallFromRecursion (Call) |
• | CommunicationPath (Communication Path) |
• | ControlFlow (Control Flow) |
• | Generalization (Generalize or Inheritance) |
• | InformationFlow (Information Flow) |
• | InterruptFlow (Interrupt Flow) |
• | ObjectFlow (Object Flow) |
• | PackageImport (Package Import) |
• | PackageMerge (Package Merge) |
• | ProfileApplication (Application) |
• | Realization (Realize or Implements) |
• | RoleBinding (Role Binding) |
• | SelfMessage (Self-Message) |
• | TagValAssociation (Tagged Value) |
• | TemplateBinding (Template Binding) |
• | You can also identify standard or extended UML elements to add to the Toolbox Page definition
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