Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.


When you set up a project, you need to configure several types of reference data, default settings and directory paths for the project, such as stereotypes, Tagged Values, cardinality values, data types, language macros, local directories and image library content. You access the facilities for configuring this data from the Settings menu.

Access     Settings

Configure Project Settings




See also

UML Types

Set up the stereotypes, Tagged Value Types and the cardinality list for your project, on the corresponding tabs of the UML Types dialog.


Stereotype Settings

Tagged Value Types



Project Types

Display the options to register the people involved in the project, and the categories or status types for a number of object properties.



Project Types Submenu

Namespace Roots

Locate and delete model namespaces.




Project Template Package


Configure or change the default element template directory.


Set Element Templates Package

Auto Names and Counters


Set up automatic naming and counters for elements. The conventions you define can be applied to names, aliases, or both.


Set Auto Naming and Auto Counters

MDG Technologies

Activate and connect to MDG Technology files.



MDG Technologies

Local Directories and Paths


Configure local directories and paths for each of your programming languages.


Local Paths Dialog

Code Engineering Datatypes


Add, modify and delete programming language datatypes.


Data Types

Preprocessor Macros

Add and delete preprocessor macros that are skipped during reverse engineering.



Language Macros

Database Datatypes

Add, modify and delete database datatypes.



Add New Datatypes


Import and configure custom images to be applied to elements in the model.



Using the Image Manager


Configure the custom colors for the project.

There are two options:

Get Project Custom Colors (import from the Project file)
Set Project Custom Colors (export to the Project file)

Custom colors are used in setting the default appearance of an element in a diagram.



Set an Element's Default Appearance