Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.


In developing and managing your models, you can make use of a wide range of tools for code engineering, performing transformations, creating technologies, spell checking the model, customizing features and setting operational options.

Access     Tools

Modeling Tool Options




See also

Open Source File

Open any type of external source file (code, XML, DDL) for editing.

A file browser displays, through which you locate and open the file in the default viewer/editor for the language. This could be an external source code editor or the internal Source Code viewer.



Compare Editors

Source Code Engineering


Generate or import source code files, using options on the Source Code Engineering submenu.


Source Code Engineering Submenu

Source Code Generation Templates

Modify code generation templates using the Code Templates Editor.



The Code Template Editor

Database Engineering

Import database schema or generate DDL for a package, using options on the Database Engineering submenu.



Database Engineering Submenu


Develop scripts for querying and updating the model, using the Scripting window.




Web Services

Import or generate Web Service Definition Language (WSDL)  files, using the Web Services submenu.



Web Services Submenu

XML Schema

Import or generate W3C XML Schema (XSD) files, using the XML Schema submenu.



XML Schema Submenu

Model Transformation (MDA)

Perform Model Driven Architecture (MDA) Transformations on elements in a diagram or in a package, using options on the Model Transformation (MDA) submenu.



Model Transformation (MDA) Submenu

MDA Transformation Templates

Modify the templates used in Model Transformations, using the Transformation Template Editor.



Transformation Templates

Spelling Tools

Configure and run the spelling checker, to check the spelling of text in a single package or across the whole model.



Spelling Tools

Data Management

Move, compare, manage and verify the integrity of the data in your models, using the Data Management submenu.



Data Management Submenu

MDG Technology Import

Make an MDG Technology available to your project team members by importing the technology file to the APPDATA folder.

(Not available in the Desktop edition.)



Import MDG Technologies to APPDATA

Generate MDG Technology File

Create an MDG Technology file using the MDG Technology Wizard.

(Not available in the Desktop edition.)



Create MDG Technologies

<Customized Options>

Provide access to external tools that you might use during your modeling work, using options that you have defined through the Tools tab of the Customize dialog (below). For example:

ODBC Data Sources - Open the Windows system ODBC Data sources administration tool to define connections to Enterprise Architect repositories, or when setting up connections to data sources for reverse engineering
System Information - Open the Windows System Information tool, to explore the various configurations and settings active on your current system



The Customize Dialog


Customize your operation of the system, such as modifying the main menu, toolbars, tools and other user interface behavior, to your particular preferences, using the Customize dialog.



The Customize Dialog


Customize your general settings through the Options dialog. These options govern how many processes within Enterprise Architect are executed, and how various elements are displayed.



Local Options