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Multi-threading - Forks and Joins

The Model Simulator provides the ability to handle multi-threaded simulations using Fork and Join nodes.

In the example below, the current execution point has forked into two threads, each with its own active node.
As this example progresses, the lower branch will wait at the Join node until the top branch has completed all its Actions.
Once the two threads merge back into one, the Simulation will continue as a single thread until completion.
When automatically stepping, each thread will be seen to execute a single step during one simulation "cycle" - although when single stepping or at a breakpoint, the behavior is to alternate step between threads as each thread receives processing time.
Note that the Call Stack window will show two active threads and one "paused" thread in the example below. Once the threads merge there will be a return to single threaded execution.
Also note that the Local variables are shared (global) between all threads. If you want to Simulate private variables on a thread you must create new Simulation variables at the start of each thread - pre-loading such variables with existing global data.



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