Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Run Model Simulation
The simulation executes the model step-by-step, enabling you to validate the logic of your behavioral model. The current execution step is automatically highlighted in the model's diagram to make it easy to understand the various processes and state changes as they occur during the simulation.
There are several ways to start a model simulation
• | When the active diagram can be simulated the "Run" button on the main Simulation window will run the current diagram, either by running an existing script or defining a new temporary one. |
• | When the active diagram can not be simulated the "Run" button on the main Simulation window will run the simulation for the active Execution Analyzer script. |
• | By right clicking on a Simulation script in the Execution Analyzer window and selecting the "Start Simulation" option; |
• | By right clicking on a suitable diagram and selecting one of the Execute Simulation options from the context menu. |
Visual cues during execution. When the simulation is running, Enterprise Architect will actively highlight each active node for each executed step. In addition, all outgoing transitions, control flows & etc. will be highlighted, showing the possible paths forward. Elements at the end of possible paths forward will be de-emphasized to half-strength and any other remaining elements will be 90% "grayed out". This provides a very dynamic and easy to follow execution that continually refocuses attention on the execution 'context'.
Access Analyzer | Simulator
Running a Simulation
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Edition Specific Details |
In the Professional edition, if a branch is encountered in the execution, the simulator prompts you to choose the appropriate path to take in your execution. In the Corporate and above editions, when Javascript is enabled, the Simulation will automatically evaluate all guards, effects & etc. and dynamically execute the Simulation without user intervention. If the Simulation becomes blocked due to no possibly paths forward evaluating to true (or multiple paths evaluating to true) you can modify Simulation variables on the fly using the console input of the Simulation Execution window.
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Start the simulator for the current simulatable diagram, or when the current diagram can't be simulated run simulation using the activated simulation script.
Pause the simulation.
When the simulation is paused, step over, step in and step out to control the simulator's execution at the required step in the model simulation.
Stop the simulation.
Varies the execution rate of the simulation, between 0% and 100%; at:
• | The Simulation tool only becomes active when a valid simulation Execution Script is activated |
• | You can set a Simulation script as the current default by setting its check box in the Execution Analyzer window. |
Learn more
Learning Center topics
• | (Alt+F1) | Execution Analysis | Simulation | Run a Simulation |