Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Generate RTF Documents
When you want to generate a Rich Text Format (RTF) document on part of your model, you have a number of options for selecting the object to document, and for defining how your document is to be generated.
An RTF document describes an element or, more usually, a package in the model; therefore, your first step is to select the package or element to generate the document for, in the Project Browser, diagram, Package Browser, Diagram List or Model Search. For a package, you can also define how any diagrams in the package are to be set out in the RTF document; you do this in the Document Properties dialog for each diagram. When you have prepared and selected your package, you open the Generate RTF Documentation dialog and configure the parameters for generating the document.
A tutorial for quickly creating a basic RTF document from the Example model is provided in the second of the two tables below.
Access Project Browser package: ( F8 ) or
Diagram element ( F8 )
Generating reports
Option |
Detail |
See also |
Alternative ways to open the Generate RTF Documentation dialog |
Use one of the following methods:
Generate RTF report on elements from Package Browser or Model Search |
When you select to create an RTF report from the Diagram List, Package Browser or Model Search tools, you can generate an element-level report rather than a package-level report, and you have additional flexibility in selecting:
For example, you might want to find all elements with test cases, with the intention of reporting on some or possibly all such elements; with the Diagram List or Package Browser, you would identify these elements yourself within the list of all elements in a selected diagram or package, but with the Model Search you can automatically pick out the elements across a section of the model or across the whole model, as required. The search filtering could be for specific test cases; however, the results are by element so if there are test cases outside the range in any element that has a filtered test, these elements are listed as well. Having generated the list of elements, you can select individual elements, blocks of elements, or all elements from it and then use the context menu to generate one report on all of the selected elements, or a separate report on each element.
Generate and view an example RTF report immediately
Step |
Action |
See also |
1 |
Open the EAExample project.
2 |
Open the QA Model package and right-click on the Testing package.
3 |
Select the Documentation | Rich Text Format (RTF) Report context menu option. The Generate RTF Documentation dialog displays.
4 |
In the Output to file field, select a convenient file location in which to hold the generated report.
5 |
In the Use Template field, click on the drop-down arrow and select (basic template).
6 |
Click on the Generate button.
7 |
When the report has been generated, click on the View button.
• | Reports can be configured to include all packages within a parent package, or just the top level |
Learn more
Learning Center topics
• | (Alt+F1) | Reporting | Rich Text Reports | Generate an RTF Report |