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Call Templates From Templates
Using function calls with parameters, you can call templates from other templates, whether standard templates or user-defined templates created within your project. Also, called templates can return a value, and can be called recursively.
A call statement returning a parameter to a variable:
$sSource = %StateEnumeratedName($Source)%
A call statement to a template that has parameters:
Using the $parameter statement in the called template:
$GUID = $parameter1
$index = $parameter2
Templates support recursive calls, such as the following recursive call on the template RuleTask:
$GUID = $parameter1
$index = $parameter2
$nul = "Initialize condition and action object"
$count = %BR_GET("RuletCount")%
%if $count=="" or $count == $index%
$index = %MATH_ADD($index, "1")%
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