Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Create MDG Technology File

When you create an MDG Technology file, you can include a wide range of facilities and tools, including UML Profiles, code modules, scripts, Patterns, images, Tagged Value Types, report templates, linked document templates and Toolbox pages. Building all of these into the MDG Technology file in a logical sequence is easy, using the MDG Technology Creation Wizard.

Access    Tools | Generate MDG Technology File

Create an MDG Technology file



See also


Select the Generate MDG Technology File menu option.

The MDG Technology Creation Wizard screen displays.




Click on the Next button.

The MDG Technology Wizard prompts you to:

·Create an MDG Technology file based on a new MDG Technology Selection (MTS) file
·Create an MDG Technology file based on an existing MTS file, or
·Not use any MTS file


An MTS file stores the selected options that you define during the creation of an MDG Technology; if you use an MTS file, you can later modify it to add or remove specific items in the MDG Technology, which is the recommended process.




Select the appropriate MTS file option.

Click on the Next button.

If you selected an MTS file, the MDG Technology Wizard prompts you to save the changes in the existing MTS file or into a new MTS file; this enables you to create a modification based on the existing MTS file, while preserving the original file.




If necessary, type in or browse for the required file path and name.

Click on the Next button.

The MDG Technology Wizard - Create screen displays.




Complete the fields on this screen as follows:





Type the name of the MDG Technology.



Type or select the path and filename of the MDG Technology File.

The file extension for this file is .xml.



Type a unique reference for the MDG Technology File, up to 12 characters long.



Type the version number of the MDG Technology File.



(Optional) Type or select the path and file name of the graphics file containing the technology icon.

The icon is a 16x16 bitmap image that is shown in the list of technologies on the left of the MDG Technologies dialog.



(Optional) Type or select the path and file name of the graphics file containing the technology logo.

The logo is a 64x64 bitmap image that is shown in the display pane on the top-right corner of the MDG Technologies dialog.



(Optional) If you have any website product information that might be helpful for users of this Technology, type or paste the URL in this field.



(Optional) If you have any web-based or other support facility that might be helpful for users of this Technology, type or paste the contact address in this field.



Type a short explanation of the functionality of the MDG Technology.





Click on the Next button.

The MDG Technology Wizard - Contents screen displays.




Select the checkbox for each item to be included in the MDG Technology file.

When you have selected the checkboxes for all the items you want to include, click on the Next button.

Each selection runs specific dialogs to enable definition of the specific items to be included in the MDG Technology.


Add a Profile

Add a Pattern

Add a Diagram Profile

Add a Toolbox Profile

Add Tagged Value Types

Add Code Modules

Add MDA Transforms

Add Document Report Templates

Add Linked Document Templates

Add Images

Add Scripts (Corporate and 'Suite' editions)

Add Workspace Layouts

Add Model Views

Add Model Searches



Work through the dialogs displayed in response to your choices, and when all are complete, click on the Next button.

The MDG Technology Wizard - Finish screen displays, providing information on the items included in the MDG Technology File.




If you have used an MTS file and want to update it, select the Save to MTS checkbox.




If you are satisfied with the selection of items, click on the Finish button.

You can now edit the MTS file, if required, to add further items such as:

·Model Validation configurations
·Model Templates


When you have edited the MTS file and regenerated the Technology (.xml) file, you can add another Scripts section to include Package XMI Export and/or Import scripts. Save the edited Technology file.

To make the MDG Technology .xml file accessible to an Enterprise Architect model, you must add the technology file path to the MDG Technologies - Advanced dialog.


Working with MTS Files




Add Import/Export Scripts

Access Remote MDG Technologies



·The facility to create MDG Technologies is not available in the Enterprise Architect Desktop edition

Learning Center topics

·(Alt+F1) | Enterprise Architect | Modeling Languages | Build a Technology | Build a Technology