Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Current Connector Toolbar

The Current Connector toolbar provides a number of options for quickly modifying the properties, style and direction of a connector, showing and hiding a connector and/or its labels, and pinning each end of the connector.


Access     View | Toolbars | Connector

Current Connector Toolbar Options




See also

Connector Properties

Click on this option to display the <connector type> Properties dialog, on which you can view and edit the properties of the selected connector.



Connector Properties

Connector Style

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate connector line style from the list. The options are:

·Direct Route
·Auto Routing
·Custom Routing






Connector Styles

Attach Note or Constraint

Click on this option to display the Link Relations dialog, which you use to attach a note or constraint to the selected connector and to any other existing connectors in the current diagram.

Double-click on the Note element to display the Notes dialog on which to type in the Notes text.



Add a Note to a Connector

Show or Hide Connector Labels

Click on this option to display the Label Visibility dialog, which you use to specify which of the eight possible label positions around the selected connector are to be displayed.



Hide/Show Labels

Show and Hide Relationships

Click on this option to display the Set Visible Relations dialog, through which you can show or hide each of the relationships between elements within the current diagram.



Relationship Visibility

Reverse Direction

Click on this option to simply reverse the direction of the selected connector.



Reverse Connector

Pin Connector Ends

Click on the down-arrow to select the end of the selected connector to pin to the source and/or target elements. The pinned end cannot be dragged off the point on the element border to which it has been fixed.





·You can move this toolbar to any dockable position and it retains that position in subsequent sessions
·You can hide or show the toolbar by clicking on the View | Toolbars | Current Connector menu option