Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Project Toolbar

The Project toolbar provides tools for performing routine tasks such as creating Packages, diagrams and elements, searching the model and generating documentation.


Access     View | Toolbars | Project

Project Toolbar Options




See also

Reload Project

Click on this option to close and reload the current project, to bring in changes made by other users sharing the project.



Refresh View of Shared Project


New Diagram

Click on this option to create a new diagram under the currently selected Package, in the Project Browser.



Add New Diagrams

New Package

Click on this option to create a new child Package under the currently selected Package, in the Project Browser.


Ctrl+W↑↑ ↑↑

Add a Package

New Element

Click on this option to create a new model element under the currently selected Package or element, in the Project Browser.



Add Elements Directly To Packages

Find in Project Browser


Click on this option to run a simple search within the Project Browser.



Find in Project

Click on this option to search the entire project or the selected Package using pre-defined and customized searches.



Model Search

Generate Documentation


Click on this option to define and generate Document reports on the currently-selected Package.


Generate Documentation

Project Issues

Click on this option to display the Project Issues dialog to review and create project issues.



Project Issues

Project Glossary

Click on this option to display the Glossary dialog to review and create glossary terms.



The Glossary Dialog

Set Options

Click on this option to display the Options dialog, through which you can personalize project display and behaviour options for your own login to the project.



General Options


·You can move this toolbar to any dockable position; it retains that position in subsequent sessions
·You can hide or show the toolbar by clicking on the View | Toolbars | Project menu option