Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Generate Documentation
It is possible to specify a wide range of parameters to control how your document report is generated and output. You can specify, for example, where the document file is written to, what format it is generated in, and what elements are included in the document. You set these options on the Generate Documentation dialog, on which the options are provided on a number of tabs.
The first, and default, tab is the Generate tab, on which you define how and where the document is generated. After you have set options on any or all of the other tabs, you return to the Generate tab and click on the Generate button to produce your document.
Access Project Browser | Click on Package: F8 > Generate or
Diagram element: F8 > Generate
Set Report Generation Options
Option |
Action |
See also |
Model Document
Root Element |
Check the name of the element selected from the Project Browser, diagram, Diagram List, Specification Manager or Model Search. If this is the specially-created Model Document element for a virtual document, the field is Model Document. Otherwise, this field identifies the selected element of the hierarchy to be reported on; that is, the Root Element or Root Package.
Output to File |
Type or select the location and filename for the generated documentation. Click on the ( ... ) (Browse) button to navigate to the location.
Template |
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the name of the template to use for your document report. You can select any template from the drop-down list, which is divided into User (or custom) templates and System templates. If you have loaded an MDG Technology containing document templates, those are also listed under the Technology name. You can also immediately create a new template, by selecting the <new template> option. The system checks all template folders for the specified template, in the order User Templates > Technology Templates >System Templates. If there are different templates available under the same name, the system uses the first found in this sequence.
Output Format |
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the format in which to output the report. The default format is Rich Text Format (.RTF), but you can also select:
Cover Page |
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the name of the cover page definition to apply to your document report. You can select any definition from the drop-down list, whether a standard format or a user-designed page. Use the default value <none> to not include a cover page, or to use a cover page built in to the selected user-defined template.
Table of Contents |
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the name of the Table of Contents definition to apply to your document report. You can select any definition from the drop-down list, whether a standard TOC format or a user-designed format. Use the default value <none> to not include a Table of Contents, or to use a table of Contents built in to the selected user-defined template.
Stylesheet |
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the name of the Stylesheet to apply to your document report. You can select any Stylesheet from the drop-down list, whether a standard definition or a set of user-designed styles. Use the default value <none> to not use a Stylesheet and instead apply the styles defined in the template you have selected in the Template field (above).
Diagram Theme |
Click on the drop-down arrow and select a Diagram Theme to apply the color, line thickness and font style to diagrams of elements in the report, if those elements are using default values. If an element has a tailored appearance assigned using, for example, the Default Appearance dialog, that appearance overrides the Theme settings. The default option is the Diagram Theme you have currently set in your Local options. You can, however, select any other Theme just for this report. The field setting reverts to your default Theme after the report is generated.
Watermark |
Type in the location of the image to use as a watermark on the document, or click on the ( ... ) button to browse for the location.
Wash image |
If you have selected a watermark image, select this checkbox to apply a wash to the image before applying it to the document. This makes the image lighter so that it does not detract from the report content printed over it.
View Document On Completion |
Select this checkbox to open the document report as soon as it has been generated.
Use Language Substitutions |
Select this checkbox to switch custom language word substitutions on. Deselect the checkbox to switch custom language word substitutions off.
Use Internal Viewer |
Select this checkbox to enable the View button to launch the generated document in the Enterprise Architect internal viewer. Deselect this checkbox to enable the View button to launch the generated document in the MS Windows default file viewer.
Select this checkbox to include elements in the report from external Packages that are referenced from a diagram, for every diagram covered by the report; the checkbox defaults to selected. To include the external elements in the document, also select the Package.Diagram.Element and Package.Element checkboxes in the current template. If external elements are to be included only for specific diagrams, deselect this checkbox and - only for the diagrams for which you want to include external elements in the report - for each diagram select the Document each contained element in RTF checkbox in the diagram properties. When both options are deselected, or when neither of the Package.Diagram.Element or Package.Element checkboxes are selected in the template, only elements in the current Package are documented.
Progress |
Indicate the progress of document generation with status messages and an increasingly colored status bar.
Resource Document |
Click on this button to save the currently-set options as a document definition.
Open Template |
Click on this button to edit the currently-selected template using the Document Template Editor. You can only edit user-defined templates, not the standard templates provided with the system. If you have selected a system template, this button is grayed out.
Generate |
Click on this button to generate the document (after you have set all the options you require, on all tabs of the dialog).
View |
Click on this button to launch the generated document in:
Abort |
Click on this button to cancel report generation; a prompt displays to confirm cancellation of the report.
· | For an introduction to generating document reports, see the Document Reports topic |
· | The second tab on the Generate Documentation dialog, Templates, is used to develop and maintain custom: |
· | Templates |
· | Stylesheets |
· | Tables of Contents and |
· | Cover Pages |
Learn more
Learning Center topics
· | Alt+F1 | Enterprise Architect | Reporting | Rich Text Reports | Generate an RTF Report |