Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Document Options

When defining the contents of your document, you can set a wide range of options for selecting the reported items by type and property, and you can organize the information within each type in order of position in the Project Browser or by created or modified date.These Document options are provided in two different ways:

·As the Options tab on the Generate Documentation dialog, to be set for a specific instance of a report; the options are reset when you exit the dialog or select a different template
·As panels on the Document Options dialog, to be configured in a template as the default settings to be applied to every report generated using that template; these settings can be overridden by the 'specific instance' settings on the Generate Documentation dialog

The listed options are the same for both dialogs, except that the Document Options dialog:

·Includes the Exclude Filters, Element Filters and Other Filters tabs from the Generate Documentation dialog
·Includes the Custom Query tab (for Template Fragments)
·Does not provide these options (as found on the Options tab of the Generate Documentation dialog):
·The Switch generator button
·The Disable large OLE file support option
·The Insert page breaks when generating a Master Document option

Access    Project Browser | Click on Package: F8 > Options, or
Package | Documentation | Document Templates: <template> > Content | File | Document Options




See also

Packages by

Click on the drop down arrow in the first field and select to organize Packages in the generated documentation by Name, Tree Order, Modified Date or Created Date.

Click on the drop down arrow in the second field and select to list the Packages in either Ascending or Descending order.



Elements by

Click on the drop down arrow in the first field and select to organize elements in the generated documentation by Name, Tree Order, Modified Date or Created Date.

Click on the drop down arrow in the second field and select to list the elements in either Ascending or Descending order.



Diagrams by

Click on the drop down arrow in the first field and select to organize diagrams in the generated documentation by Name, Tree Order, Modified Date or Created Date.

Click on the drop down arrow in the second field and select to list the diagrams in either Ascending or Descending order.



Hide 'note-less' elements


Select this checkbox to exclude all elements without notes from the documentation.


Hide Diagram Borders

Select this checkbox to hide the diagram frame on all diagrams included in the generated document.

When selected, this option overrides the On Saved Images checkbox on the Tools | Options > Diagrams page.



Skip root package

Select this checkbox to exclude the parent Package from the documentation and include only the child Packages.



No bookmarks

Select this checkbox to prevent document bookmarks from being inserted into the generated document.


Document Bookmarks

Hide <Anonymous> elements


Select this checkbox to hide anonymous elements in the documentation.


Use style defined in template for notes

Select this checkbox to override the character formatting specified in your Notes fields with the formatting set for the field in the template.



Disable large OLE file support


Select this checkbox to disable support for large Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) files.


Insert page breaks when generating a Master Document


Select this checkbox to insert a page break after each Model Document in a Master Document.

Virtual Documents

Include child elements even if the parent element is filtered out


Select this checkbox to document all child elements that are not otherwise filtered out by the restrictions, even if the parent elements are filtered out.


Hide 'note-less' connectors


Select this checkbox to exclude all connectors without notes from the documentation.


Diagram Format

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the diagram format for the images included within the documentation;  either Metafile or Bitmap.



Adjust Heading Levels

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the lowest heading level that can be generated for nested sub-Packages in the document

The Document Generator reproduces heading levels down to the value you set; for example, if you have four nested levels of sub-Packages and you set this field to:

·Heading 2, all sub-Packages in the report are documented under level 2 headings
·Heading 4, the first level of sub-Packages are documented under level 2 headings, the next level under level 3 headings, and the remainder all under level 4 headings
·Heading 6, the first level of sub-Packages are documented under level 2 headings, the next level under level 3 headings, the next under level 4 headings, and the next under level 5 headings; if you added further levels of sub-Package they would all be documented under level 6 headings

The field defaults to Heading 9 to accommodate the maximum number of levels of nested sub-Packages.



Switch generator

Click on this button to switch from this Generate Documentation dialog (the Enhanced Template Driven Generator) to the Rich Text Format Report dialog (Legacy Generator).

This button is not available if you displayed the dialog from the Diagram List, Package Browser or Model Search.


The Legacy Report Generator

Only include objects

Filter elements according to the date they were created or last modified. In the:

·First field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the value Modified or Created
·Second field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the value After or Before
·Third field, select the checkbox, click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate date



Where Package Phase

Filter elements according to the value of the Package Phase field.

In the first field click on the drop-down arrow and select the qualifier, and in the second field type the required phase (or leave the default value All).



With element status

Filter elements according to status.

In the first field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the qualifier (like, not like, in, not in) and in the second field type the value to be used.

Values should be enclosed in quotes; for example: "Proposed".

If you type more than one value, separate them with a comma; for example:

"Proposed", "Implemented"



Connector Direction

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the connector direction to include only connectors having that direction.

If you select Both, the connector is documented twice; once for the source element and once for the target.

For the remaining two values, the connector is documented only for the source or target element, as appropriate.



Except where Query excludes Package

This option excludes the selected Package or a child Package from the report, where that Package is specifically identified by a Custom SQL Query or a Custom Script.

Click on the appropriate radio button for the type of query and:

·If you have selected Custom SQL, type the query into the window beneath the radio buttons
·If you have selected Custom Script, a new field displays; click on the drop-down arrow and select the script, then type the entry point of the Script into the window beneath the radio buttons




Exclude Package Query and Script

Learn more

Learning Center topics

·Alt+F1 | Enterprise Architect | Reporting | RTF Templates | Filter Elements
·Alt+F1 | Enterprise Architect | Reporting | RTF Templates | Filter Connectors