Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Languages Supported

The Source Code Editors can display code in a wide range of languages, as listed here. For each language, the editor highlights - in colored text - the standard code syntax.

·Ada (.ada, .ads, .adb)
·ActionScript (.as)
·BPEL Document (.bpel)
·C++ (.h, .hh, .hpp, .c, .cpp, .cxx)
·C# (.cs)
·DDL Structured Query Language (.sql)
·Delphi/Pascal (.pas)
·Diff/Patch Files (.diff, .patch)
·Document Type Definition (.dtd)
·DOS Batch Files (.bat)
·DOS Command Scripts (.cmd)
·HTML (.html)
·Interface Definition Language (.idl, .odl)
·Java (.java)
·Javascript (.javascript)
·JScript (.js)
·Modified Backus-Naur Form Grammar (.mbnf)
·PHP (.php, .php4, .inc)
·Python (.py)
·Standard Generalized Markup Language (.sgml)
·SystemC (.sc)
·Visual Basic 6 (.bas)
·VB.NET (.vb)
·VBScript (.vbs)
·Verilog (.v)
·VHSIC Hardware Description Language (.vhdl)
·Visual Studio Resource Configuration (.rc)
·XML (eXtensible Markup Language) (.xml)

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