Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
View Submenus
The Other Project Tools Sub-Menu
Select the windows to be visible and deselect those to be hidden. You can select from:
- Resources [Alt]+[6] - Show or hide the Resources window.
- Tasks Pane [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[9] - Show or hide the Tasks Pane.
- System [Alt]+[2] - Show or hide the System window.
- Audit View - Display the Audit View, which shows the information that has been recorded by auditing.
- Internal Web Browser [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[W] - Open the web browser page at the site you have specified on the Options dialog, in the Web Home field.
The Other Element Tools Submenu
Select the windows to be visible and deselect those to be hidden. You can select from:
- Project Management [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[7] - Show or hide the Project Management window.
- Maintenance [Alt]+[4] - Show or hide the Maintenance window.
- Source Code [Alt]+[7] - Show or hide the Source Code Viewer window.
- Relationships [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[2] - List the element's connectors on the Relationships window.
The Execution Analyzer Menu
Select the aspect of the debugging process you want to explore, from the following options:
- Debugger [Alt]+[8] - Show or hide the Debug window, which also enables you to display some or all of the other debugger windows listed below, at the same time.
- Profiler - displays the Profiler window.
- Call Stack
- Record & Analyze
- Locals
- Watches
- Modules
- Debug Output
- Workbench - enables you to create your own workbench variables and invoke methods on them
- Breakpoints & Markers
- Memory Viewer
The Toolbars Sub-Menu
Select the toolbars to be visible and deselect those to be hidden. You can select from:
- Default Tools
- Project
- Code Generation
- UML Elements
- Diagram
- Current Element
- Current Connector
- Format Tool
- Workspace Layouts
- Status Bar.
The Visual Style Sub-Menu
Presents options to:
- Select different visual styles or themes for the Enterprise Architect user interface
- Animate windows that have been automatically hidden
- Toggle the down-arrow on the end of each toolbar that enables you to customize the toolbar buttons, as shown below:
- Hide or redisplay the diagram caption bar at the top or bottom of a diagram. The caption bar is illustrated below:
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