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Properties Dialog

This topic area describes element: properties and their settings; object files and classifiers; responsibilities; constraints; connectors; scenarios; Tagged Values; associated files and boundary element settings.

To display the element Properties dialog, use any of the following methods:

  • Select an element in the Diagram View and select the Element | Properties menu option
  • Right-click on an element in the Diagram View, and select the Properties context menu option
  • Select an element in the Diagram View, and press [Alt]+[Enter]
  • Double-click on an element in the Diagram View
  • Right-click on an element in the Project Browser, and select the Properties context menu option.

To suppress display of the Properties dialogue when placing a new element, uncheck the Edit Object on New option on the Objects page of the Options dialog (Tools | Options | Objects).


There are several variations of the Properties dialog:

  • The dialog for a Table or Stored Procedure element has slight differences on the General tab, and a Table (Stored Procedure) Details tab instead of a Details tab; see the Working With Tables topic.
  • The dialog for a Class element of a stereotype other than Table is as shown in General Settings.
  • The dialog for an element of any other type does not have a Details tab.
  • Port and Part elements have a Property tab.
  • Activity elements have a Behavior tab, and Action and Invocation elements (depending on their type) have other tabs such as Effect, Trigger and Call tabs.
  • Action Pins have a Pin tab.

In all cases, the Properties dialog is an expandable window, which you can stretch to enable longer entry and clearer inspection of the text field values.

The following topics describe each of the tabs in the Class Properties dialog in detail.

Follow the links for information on Tagged Values, Object files and Classifiers, and the Boundary element appearance.