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MySQL Repository

This topic describes how to create a MySQL repository.


  • This feature is available in the Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, System Engineering and Ultimate editions.
  • Before starting, you must set up the MySQL and MySQL ODBC drivers, and you must have the appropriate permission to create a new database. The process of setting up MySQL is beyond the scope of this User Guide; please consult your MySQL documentation for further guidance.

Sparx Systems provides SQL scripts to create the required Enterprise Architect repository tables, on the Sparx Systems website. You can execute the scripts in any way you prefer. However, if you are unfamiliar with MySQL and DBMS systems in general, you might want to consider a suitable front end tool.

MySQL Administrator, available from, is one such tool. It provides a convenient graphical user interface to enable the creation of databases, execution of scripts, backups and restores.

To get started, follow the steps below:

  1. Run MySQL Administrator and create a new database.
  2. Run MySQL Query Browser, and open and execute the MySQL repository script.
  3. Below is an example showing the tables created in the MySQL repository after running the script in MySQL Query Browser.


MySQL repositories are created without any data, so you must perform a project data transfer in Enterprise Architect to copy a suitable starter project. If you are starting from scratch, EABase.EAP is a good starting point. If you are using an existing .EAP model, you can upsize it.