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Change Management


This section describes the tools and facilities for controlling and monitoring changes to the data in a project.

In Change Management, you configure and maintain:

  • Version Control of packages
  • Tracking changes
  • The transfer of data between projects in similar or different databases

Version Control For Models

Enterprise Architect Model version control enables you to:

  • Coordinate sharing of packages between users, with either read-only access or update access, ensuring that work on different areas of the model is coordinated and synchronous rather than conflicting
  • Save and retrieve a history of changes to packages.

To use version control in Enterprise Architect, you require a third-party source-code control application such as Subversion, CVS, or any other version control product that complies with the Microsoft Common Source Code Control standard.

Tracking Changes

Enterprise Architect provides two separate but complementary facilities for tracking changes to data across the project:

  • Auditing of model changes
  • Baselining and differencing to capture and roll back changes

Project Data Transfer

Enterprise Architect enables you to transfer project data between project repositories, row by row, table by table.


This feature is available in the Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions.

See Also