Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Search and Replace Commands
The first three menu options below all invoke the Search String Parameters dialog, if no search term has been defined.
Specify the term to search for, whether to search from the start of the file or forwards or backwards from the current cursor position, and whether the search should exactly match the case of the search term.
To |
Do this... |
Search for a text string |
Select the Other | Search menu option, or press [F5]. The Search String Parameters dialog displays. The editor searches for the first instance of the specified character string as defined by the parameters. |
Find the next instance of a previously-defined text string in the file |
Select the Other | Search Forward menu option, or press [Ctrl]+[F]. The editor searches forwards for the next instance of the specified text string in the file, and highlights it. |
Find the previous instance of the previously-defined text string in the file |
Select the Other | Search Backward menu option, or press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[F]. The editor searches backwards for the previous instance of the text string in the file, and highlights it. |
Replace a text string |
Select the Other | Replace menu option, or press [F6]. The Replace String Parameters dialog displays, in which you specify the text string to locate and the text string to replace it with, whether to search the whole document or a highlighted block of text, and whether to confirm each replacement before making the change. |