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Sections and Columns

The editor enables you to divide a document into multiple sections. A multiple section document is useful to:

  • Vary the page margins from one page to another
  • Create multiple columns of text.


Do this...

Create a new section

Select the Insert | Insert Break | Section Break menu option. This creates a new section on a new page.


This option is not available when Edit | Edit Page Header/Footer is active.

Edit the section parameters

Select the Edit | Edit Section menu option. The Section Parameters dialog displays. Define:

  • The number of columns and column spacing; text in a multiple column section wraps at the end of the column. When the text reaches the end of the page, it resumes in the next column. When Page Mode is off, the page contains a single very thin and long column. When Page Mode is on, the correct column layout is shown.
  • The orientation - Portrait or Landscape
  • Whether to start the new section on the next page
  • The direction of text flow
  • Any special printing characteristics for the section.

You can also define any special page margins by selecting the File | Page Layout menu option.

Delete a section break

Move the cursor onto the section break line and press [Delete].

Create a column break

Move the cursor to the appropriate point in the text and select the Insert | Insert Break | Column Breakmenu option.

Normally in a multiple column section, the text flows from the end of one column to the top of the next column. A column break forces the text to the next column before the current column is completely filled.

A column break is indicated by a line with a 'dot and dash' pattern. To delete the column break, simply position the cursor on the column break line and press [Delete].