Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

The Trial Version

The fully functional 30 day trial version of Enterprise Architect is available free of charge on the Sparx Systems website The trial version is identical to the registered edition with the exception that all diagrams are output to files with an embedded watermark.



See also

Try Out Editions

The trial version enables you to explore and evaluate Enterprise Architect, checking the edition you are interested in and trying out other editions for comparison

When you start up the Enterprise Architect trial version, the Select Trial Version prompt displays; select the mode to trial

If necessary, you can close down Enterprise Architect and restart it in another mode for comparison

The prompt also directs you to useful information such as a walkthrough of the Enterprise Architect facilities, and enables you to use one of several workspace layouts

Workspace Layouts

Trial Period:

As you are evaluating the Enterprise Architect trial version, note that the software operates for a limited period, and denies access after the trial period has elapsed

To continue using Enterprise Architect when the trial period expires, you can either:

  • Apply to extend the trial period, or
  • Purchase and register a full license; on purchase of a suitable license or licenses, the registered version is made available for download

The latest information on pricing and purchasing is available on the Sparx Systems website; for more information, contact Sparx Systems by email

When you order and pay for an edition of Enterprise Architect, you receive installation instructions and the location of the executable files for download

Order Enterprise Architect


Register a Full License

[email protected]

Extend Trial Period

If you are testing the trial version and require more than 30 days to evaluate it, you can apply to Sparx Systems Sales for an extension of the trial period; Sparx Systems Sales send you an extension key by email

The extension can be an additional 30 days.

The trial period must expire before you can enter the extension key.

[email protected]

How to:

To extend the trial period, after receipt of your extension key, follow the steps below:



See also


Open the Enterprise Architect trial version

The Evaluation Version of Enterprise Architect dialog displays; once the trial period has expired, you cannot proceed beyond this dialog without extending the trial period



Press ( Ctrl ) whilst you click on the Continue Trial button

The Upgrade Key dialog displays



In the Upgrade Key field, type or copy-and-paste the extension key you received from Sparx Systems Sales



Click on the OK button

Enterprise Architect confirms that your trial period has been extended

Your trial period is extended by the period of days stated in the email from Sparx Systems Sales; you can now restart and use the Trial version of Enterprise Architect