Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Introduction to Enterprise Architect
Welcome to Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect, a UML based modeling tool for designing and constructing software systems, business modeling, systems modeling and generalized modeling purposes such as visualizing existing systems and processes.
The Enterprise Architect User Guide provides reference materials, guidance and tutorials for using the features and facilities of Enterprise Architect in your modeling and in related work.
General Topics:
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Enterprise Architect is very flexible and has many features; the Overview provides a summary of what Enterprise Architect can do and what you can use it for |
If you are new to modeling and UML as well as Enterprise Architect, or otherwise want a rapid review of the process of modeling with Enterprise Architect, the User Guide provides a tutorial to help you get working quickly The tutorial is not just a theoretical description - the first things you do are start Enterprise Architect and immediately create a model project |
When working through the Quickstart tutorial you should see many links to more extensive descriptions of features, functions, tasks and procedures; you can follow any of these immediately if you require more information |
You should also read the Sparx Systems Formal Statements, including the Copyright Notice and our End User Licensing Agreement. |
The User Guide provides a glossary of terms that you can refer to for definitions of various terms and concepts used in this guide |
Feedback - Sparx Systems likes to stay in touch with what Enterprise Architect users require in order to accomplish their tasks efficiently and effectively. We value any suggestions, feedback and comments you might have regarding this product, documentation or install process You can provide your feedback:
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If you are evaluating the free trial version of Enterprise Architect and have not yet purchased an edition, but would like to, you can refer to the information we provide to help you make your purchase |
Specific Topics:
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Setting up, configuring, managing and maintaining modeling projects, including storage mechanisms, team development environments, managing changes and monitoring progress |
Creating and maintaining model structures in Enterprise Architect, including how to work with the model structure and components, their properties, and the reference data with which you populate the model |
Understanding the Enterprise Architect implementation of UML concepts and specifications, how those concepts are extended in Enterprise Architect's support of other modeling languages, and how you can extend the concepts yourself by creating your own modeling languages |
Navigating through your model, searching for information you require on the model, selecting aspects of the model to extract and review, and tracing developmental relationships in both the structure and the development timeframe |
Transforming model elements and fragments from one domain to another, using standard and customized Model Driven Architecture transformations |
Generating code from the model (forward engineering), generating model structures from imported code (reverse engineering) synchronizing code and model, controlling how these operations take place and controlling what output results from the processes |
Performing visual analysis of executing code - debugging, recording the stack trace and generating Sequence diagrams from the trace |
Developing models for specific modeling domains, such a business process analysis or systems engineering |
Ensuring quality control of your models and code through model validation and running your own test scripts |
Managing the maintenance of model elements and changes and issues across the project |
Documenting your model in either RTF or HTML output format |
Using the Technology Developer's tools, which enable you to access Enterprise Architect facilities through your own interface, in your own implementation |
Managing your private or shared Enterprise Architect product license keys |