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List Header

This topic describes the organization of the column headings and contents for various reports in Enterprise Architect.




View Header



The View Header defines the columns of information that are presented by the report, and the order in which data items are presented

To review the column headings:

  • Right-click on the header to display the Field Chooser context menu option; the Field Chooser dialog displays

This enables you to add columns to or remove columns from the output; between them, the View Header and Field Chooser dialog show the full range of column headers available

To add a column heading to the View Header:

  • Drag it from the Field Chooser dialog onto the header to the position you want the column of data to display
  • When you have selected the column headings you require, click on the red cross in the top right corner of the Field Chooser dialog to close it

To remove a column from the output:

  • Drag the column heading downwards out of the View Header

To change the sequence of columns:

Drag the required column header left or right, as appropriate

Value Grouping

For most reports, and when the Package Browser or Diagram List is in User Defined format, you can organize the reported data according to the value of one or more of the column categories (this facility is not available in the Package Browser in Model Hierarchy format)

You might organize the data by Type, and within each Type by Name; if you then click on any of the other column headings, the data within this grouping is further sorted with the values of the selected column (for example, Created) in ascending or descending order

To set up the value grouping, drag the column heading representing the primary grouping (such as Author) onto the Drag a column header here to group by that column field

Now drag the column heading for the next level of grouping (such as Status) to the right of the first heading; the two heading titles display as connected blocks, as shown below:


You can, if required, add further levels of grouping by dragging other column headings onto the hierarchy (such as Created), and restructure the order by dragging existing or additional headings into the level you want them to hold

For example, you could make Type the secondary grouping by dragging it to the right of Author, or drop Status between Author and Type

To remove a grouping level, drag the appropriate column heading out of the sequence and below the View header; any subordinate groupings move up a level

Filter Bar

The Filter Bar displays underneath the column headings; you can hide or show it using the Toggle Filter Bar icon in the toolbar

The Filter Bar consists of a row of fields, one field per column; as you type a value into one of these fields, the Package Browser results are automatically filtered to show entries with a value in the corresponding column that match the value in the field. The filter is case sensitive.

For example, if you type the letter F in the Filter Bar field under the Author column, the results immediately reduce to  entries for which the author name includes Fred, Frank, Felix, Felicity, Fairmile, Farmer or Fitzgibbon (but none where the name includes f only as a lower case letter, such as Rufus)

If you then go on to type Fi, the results immediately reduce again to only entries for which the author name includes Fitzgibbon.

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