Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Resource View

The Resource View of the Project Task Allocation window shows the current commitments of each allocated resource in the project as a list of allocation records and a Gantt chart of the progress of the allocations.

The display initially shows the resources and their overall commitment; click on the 'plus-box' to the left of the name of the resource to expand the entry to show the elements and the allocation period for each element.

The display shows both complete allocations and those that are still in progress; an internal filter hides completed allocations two weeks after the end date, and incomplete allocations one month after the end date.

Access:    View | Task Allocations > Resource View

Use to:

  • Check the dates on which specific resources or all resources are currently allocated
  • Check the elements to which each resource is allocated
  • Check the dates on which a resource is allocated to work on a specific element
  • Check the general progress of the resource in completing the work
  • Check the specific details of the allocation of a resource to an element and task or role

How to:

On the Resource View tab, make selections from the options as indicated below:



See also

Filter the display

Right-click on the window and select the Apply Filter context menu option

The Filter Bar displays at the top of the Resource and Role or Task columns; type in a text string to filter for element names and role or task names, respectively, that begin with the text

List Header

Display the properties of the element to which the resource is assigned

Right-click on the entry and select the Object Properties context menu option

The Properties dialog for the element displays

Properties Dialog

Display the resource allocation details

Right-click on the entry and select the Task Properties context menu option

The Assigned Resources dialog displays; you can edit the details and, if necessary, change the resource allocated to the element

Resource Allocation

The Project Management Window

Refresh the report

Right-click on the entry and select the Refresh context menu option

The content of the display is refreshed and collapsed to resource level


Display the Resource Allocation records for the element

Right-click on the entry and select the Locate in Resource Window context menu option

The Project Management window opens at the Resource Allocation tab, with the details of the selected entry shown in the fields and the other resource allocations for the element listed in the left-hand panel

You can edit the details and, if necessary, change the resource allocated to the element

Resource Allocation

The Project Management Window

Reposition the Gantt chart to show the start date or end date of an allocation, or today's date

Right-click on the entry and select the required option:

  • Go To | Task Start
  • Go To | Task End
  • Go To | Today's Date

The display shifts to put the required date in the center of the chart


Locate the element in the Project Browser

Right-click on the element name and select the Find in Project Browser context menu option

The area of the Project Browser containing the element is brought into focus and expanded, and the element is highlighted


Save an image of the Gantt chart to file

Right-click on the tab and select the Save Image to File context menu option

The Save As Image dialog displays, on which you specify the file name, location and graphics file type to save to


Save an image of the Gantt chart to the clipboard

Right-click on the tab and select the Copy Image to Clipboard context menu option

You can paste the image from the clipboard into your preferred graphics package