Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Version Control Setup

Once the version control software has been installed and configured, to use your installed version control product you must first define a Version Control Configuration within Enterprise Architect.

Use to:

  • Define a new Version Control Configuration, that can then be used to control the packages in your project

How to:



See also


Start Enterprise Architect and load the model for which you are defining the Version Control Configuration.



Open the Version Control Settings dialog;

Project | Version Control | Version Control Settings

Version Control Settings dialog


Click on the New button.



In the Unique ID field, type a suitable name.



Select the Type of version control product you are connecting to, by clicking on the corresponding radio button.



At this point, the middle section of the dialog changes to display a collection of fields specific to the type of Version Control Configuration you are defining.

Enter details relating to the version control workspace that this configuration is to use.



Click on the Save button.  The new configuration is added to the Defined Configurations list.



When you have finished defining your version control configurations, click on the Close button.



  • Version Control Configuration details are stored in the user's Windows Registry settings, but each project stores a list of the configurations it uses, so that version control connections can be initialized as a project is being loaded
  • You can define any number of Version Control Configurations for use in a single model, however any given package can be associated with only one configuration
  • If you are using the Corporate or extended editions of Enterprise Architect with security enabled, you must also set up permissions to configure and use version control.  See List of Available Permissions for more information

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