Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Version Control Settings Dialog

The Version Control Settings dialog enables you to define Version Control Configurations, which are used by Enterprise Architect to communicate with your version control system.

Access:   Project | Version Control | Version Control Settings

 OR Right-click on any package node | Package Control | Version Control Settings

Use To:

  • Define new Version Control Configurations
  • Update existing Version Control Configurations




See Also

This mode is private

Specify whether this model database is to be accessed by just a single user (Private Model) or by multiple concurrent users (Shared Model).

The default value is "unchecked" (Shared Model).  If in doubt, use the default value.


Save nested version controlled packages to stubs only

Specify whether the exported XMI file for a version controlled package, shall contain package stubs (place holders) or full content for nested version controlled child packages.

It is recommend to always export version controlled child packages as stubs only.


Report cross package reference deletions before check-in

Choose whether or not Enterprise Architect should alert the user when cross package references are being removed from the exported XMI package file, when compared to the previous revision of that file.

Report Deletion of Cross Package References

Unique ID

A name that uniquely identifies the configuration.

Enter a name to identify a new configuration, or use the drop-down list to retrieve details of a configuration previously defined in a different project.



Specify the type of version control system associated with this configuration.

Once the type is selected, the middle section of the dialog changes to display a collection of fields relating to the type of Version Control Configuration you are defining.  For a description of those fields, see the links at right.

Set the type to SCC for;

  • MS Visual Source Safe
  • Rational Clear Case
  • Perforce
  • AccuRev
  • other SCC compatible clients

For CVS, Subversion or TFS, choose the type that matches the product you are using.

SCC Settings

CVS Settings

SVN Settings

TFS Settings


Create a new Version Control Configuration.



Save the details of a new or updated configuration.



Remove the definitions of the currently selected configuration from this  model.


Defined Configurations

List of configurations that are in use in the current model.


In future, do not prompt for incomplete configurations

Choose whether or not the user is prompted to complete the definition of  configurations that are not fully specified.



Close this dialog.



Display this Help topic.



  • When you first open an Enterprise Architect project that was created by another user and that uses version control, the Version Control Configuration(s) used by that project do not yet exist in your Windows registry settings.  You must complete the definitions of those configurations before you can use version control in that project
  • It is important that for any given version controlled package file, all access of that file from any model and by any user, is done using Version Control Configurations having the same UniqueID
  • If Project Security is enabled, you must have Configure Version Control permission to set up version control options for the current model
  • It is possible to use multiple version control configurations in the same Enterprise Architect model

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