Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.



When you install Enterprise Architect on your computer, a new program folder called Enterprise Architect is created in your Start menu (unless you changed the default name during installation).

You can start Enterprise Architect from the icon created on your Windows desktop during installation, or alternatively:

1.Open the Windows Start menu.
2.Locate the Enterprise Architect program folder.
3.Select Enterprise Architect.


After a short pause, the Start Page displays; from this page you can



Open a project file (.EAP file)


Open a project file

Create a new project (.EAP file)


Create a new project

Connect to a DBMS repository (Corporate and extended editions)


Connect to a DBMS repository

Open the Learning Center, to read quick introductions to performing a range of basic tasks


Learning Center


By default, when you install Enterprise Architect, an empty 'starter' project called EABase.EAP is installed, as well as an example project named EAExample.EAP; we recommend that new users select the EAExample file and explore it in some detail while you become familiar with UML and software engineering using Enterprise Architect
Enterprise Architect .EAP files default to use Jet 3.5 as the database engine, which does not support unicode character sets
If you want to use unicode character sets (for example, to provide user interface texts in languages other than your Windows-defined native language), you must either upsize to a DBMS repository or set JET 4.0 as the database engine; resetting the database engine ensures compatibility with .EAP files that support unicode character sets and that are in turn compatible with versions of MS Access later than Access 97
If your .EAP project is not in a Jet 4.0 database, you should also download a copy of the Jet 4.0 EABase model from the Sparx Systems website, and do an EAP to EAP transfer of your model into the Jet 4.0 file

Learn more

A Quick Start Tutorial, to begin a guided exploration of Enterprise Architect immediately
Common Tasks, to get an overview of the kind of work you might perform with Enterprise Architect
General Options, to set JET 4.0 as database engine
Sparx Systems website for the Jet 4.0 EABase model