Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.


During your work on your models, you might use any of a number of Enterprise Architect windows and toolbars. You can display these windows and toolbars individually or in defined configurations, as well as set the visual style of your workspace.

Access    View

View Options




See also

Project Browser

Browse and explore your models in the Project Browser; this shows the hierarchical arrangement of packages, elements and features within the project.



The Project Browser

Package Browser

Display the elements of the current package as a context-sensitive, editable table, in the Package Browser.



Package Browser

Model Views

Create filtered views of selected areas or aspects of your project, using the Model Views window.



Model Views


Trace the relationships of an element through the project, using the Traceability window.



The Traceability Window

Team Review

Engage in discussion and review of the project within your development team community, through the portal of the Team Review window, a company-internal discussion forum.



Team Review Tools

Model Mail

Exchange internal mail messages with project team members.



Model Mail

Personal Tasks

Record and manage the work tasks assigned to your identity as a defined Author on the project.



Personal Tasks

Relationship Matrix

Create and manage the relationships between elements, by connector type, through the Relationship Matrix.



Relationship Matrix

Gap Analysis Matrix

Analyze model artifacts for potential gaps in the solution, using the Gap Analysis Matrix.



Gap Analysis Matrix

Web Browser

Open the web browser page at the site you have specified on the Options dialog, in the Web Home field.


Internal Web Browser

General Options



Create and review the explanatory text on a diagram, element, feature or connector, on the Notes window.




Tagged Values

Add further properties to a modeling object beyond those supported by UML, by creating Tagged Values on the Tagged Values window.



Tagged Values

System Output

Check the results of internal processing such as Execution Analysis, Validation, searching the model and scripting, on the System Output window. Add-Ins can also output information to this window.



The System Output Window

Learning Center

Display context-specific help topics, online resources and facilities in a number of specific work areas, through the Learning Center.



Learning Center


Show or hide individual toolbars.



View Submenus

Visual Style

Set the Visual Style and a number of other User Interface display options.



View Submenus

Workspaces and Commands

Set up specific configurations of the content and layout of the Enterprise Architect workspace, and customize the User Interface menus, using the Workspaces and Commands dialog.


Manage Workspace Layout

Customize Command Sets