Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

File Control

The RTF Editor provides a number of options for changing and saving an RTF file contents as a complete file.

Access    Select File from the menu bar at the top of the Document Editor window, or right-click and select File within either:
                 -  The Content panel of the Document Template Designer or
                 -  The text area of the document

File control options



See also

Clear a file for redesign

Select the File | New menu option. This clears the existing contents of the document.

If you have made any unsaved changes to the file, the editor prompts you to save them. If you want to protect those changes, click on the Yes button to display a browser screen and select a file path and file name to save the changes to.

This is a method of clearing out an existing document for redesign. As you do not change the name, all references to it simply pick up the changed content.



Roll back changes to previous version

Select the File | Revert menu option to roll back the file contents to the previously-saved version.



Save changes

Select the File | Save menu option or press ( Ctrl+S ), to save the file contents to the current file.



Save changes as new file

Applicable to the Document Template Designer and Linked Document template editor


Select the File | Save As menu option or press ( Ctrl+Shift+S ), to save a  template contents under a new file name, which you are prompted to type in.



Import an RTF file

Select the File | Import menu option. This imports the contents of an existing RTF document into the current file.

The Import option is useful when creating documents from existing documents external to Enterprise Architect, such as your own corporate standards templates and, in conjunction with the New option, of updating the document from the external file.


Import an RTF Template

Export an RTF file

Select the File | Export menu option. This saves your document to an external RTF file.

The Export option is useful for saving a specific template or document to be imported into another project.



Update the standard styles used

Select the File | Update Styles menu option to re-import the standard styles from Normal.rtf, into the current document.

This is useful for maintaining consistency of styles across all your documents, including such things as numbering formats.


The Normal.rtf Style Template

Filter the content of an RTF report template

Select the File | Document Options menu option. This displays the RTF reporting Document Options dialog, which you use to set filters for object properties and for specific elements, connectors and element features.


Document Options

Close the file and editor

Select the File | Close menu option to close the RTF Editor; if you have any unsaved changes, a prompt displays to save them.




Learning Center topics

(Alt+F1) | Reporting | RTF Templates | Filter Elements
(Alt+F1) | Reporting | RTF Templates | Filter Connectors