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File Import Field Substitution Macros
This table lists each of the file import field substitution macros.
Field substitution macros are named according to Camel casing. Macros that represent checkboxes return a value of T if the box is selected. Otherwise the value is empty.
Macro Name |
Description |
See also |
importClassName |
The name of the Class being imported.
importFileName |
The filename of the Class being imported.
importFilePath |
The full path of the Class being imported.
importFromAggregation |
T if the Class has an Aggregation connector to a Class in this file, F otherwise.
importFromAssociation |
T if the Class has an Association connector to a Class in this file, F otherwise.
importFromAtt |
T if an attribute of a Class in the current file is of the type of this Class, F otherwise.
importFromDependency |
T if the Class has a Dependency connector to a Class in this file, F otherwise.
importFromGeneralization |
T if the Class has a Generalization connector to a Class in this file, F otherwise.
importFromMeth |
T if a method return type of a Class in the current file is the type of this Class, F otherwise.
importFromParam |
T if an method parameter of a Class in the current file is of the type of this Class, Fotherwise.
importFromRealization |
T if the Class has a Realization connector to a Class in this file, F otherwise.
importFromTemplateBinding |
T if the Class has a TemplateBinding connector to a Class in this file, F otherwise.
importInFile |
T if the Class is in the current file, F otherwise.
importPackagePath |
The Package path with a '.' separator of the Class being imported.
ImportRelativeFilePath |
The relative file path of the Class being imported from the file path of the file being generated.
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