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Template Parameter Substitution Macros

If you want to provide access in a transformation template to data concerning the transformation of a Template Binding connector's binding parameter substitution in the model, you can use the Template Parameter substitution macros. The macro names are in Camel casing. Macros that represent checkboxes return a value of T if the box is selected; otherwise the value is empty.

Template Parameter substitution macros

Macro Name


See also


Template Binding Properties dialog, Binding Parameter tab, Parameter Substitution(s) panel: Formal Template Parameter name.




Template Binding Properties dialog, Binding Parameter tab, Parameter Substitution(s) panel: Actual parameter name/expression.




Template Binding Properties dialog, Binding Parameter tab, Parameter Substitution(s) panel: Actual parameter classifier.



Learn more

·The OMG UML Specification (UML Superstructure Specification, v 2.4.1) section 17.4.5