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The Legacy RTF Report Generator

Creating a Rich Text Format (RTF) document is a simple and flexible process. An RTF document is based on a Package or an element in your project (more usually a Package). To produce a document, you select the Package or element to report on in the Project Browser, Package Browser, Diagram List or Model Search, then press F8 to display the Generate Documentation dialog. On the Options tab, click on the Switch Generator button to access the legacy Rich Text Format Report dialog.

The Rich Text Format Report dialog enables you to set the exact contents and look and feel of your report. You enter the file name of the report, a heading, additional notes, template name (for saving the set-up) and other options. You can also select the style of the report; either plain or formal.

Optionally, you can set up a filter, the details to include, element types to exclude, whether to process child Packages, whether to show diagrams and the diagram format.

You can switch back to the Generate Documentation dialog by clicking on the Switch RTF Generator button.


·The Legacy Generator is available if you have RTF templates created in releases of Enterprise Architect prior to 4.1, and you prefer to generate RTF reports using the original generator; however, as you can generate reports from these templates using the post-Enterprise Architect 4.1 RTF Generator, the Legacy Generator and instructions for its use are no longer updated
·Reports produced using the Legacy RTF Generator do reflect the Notes formatting feature in any text associated with elements
·The Rich Text Format Report dialog panels are individually described in the subsequent topics of this section (listed below); the dialog has a lot of options - you can use them selectively to produce output at the level of detail suited to your project

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