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Legacy Report Style Templates
Using the Legacy RTF Style Editor you can edit the RTF associated with various sections of the RTF Report facility in Enterprise Architect. You would typically use this functionality to customize a report's look and feel for your company or client.
If you have previously defined and saved a template, click on the Load button on the Rich Text Format Report dialog to open the list of defined templates. Select one in order to load it as the current template; all the features saved become the current features. This enables you to define a set of standard report types that streamline document production.
Access Project | Resources | Document Generation | Legacy Templates
Create or Edit RTF Style Templates
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1 |
Expand the Legacy Templates folder.
2 |
To edit an existing Legacy template, expand the Legacy Templates tree and double-click on the template name, or right-click and select the Modify Document Template context menu option. The RTF Style Editor displays.
3 |
Alternatively, to create a new Legacy template, right-click on Legacy Templates and select the Create RTF Style Template (Legacy) context menu option. A prompt displays for the new template name.
4 |
Type the name of the new template and click on the OK button. The RTF Style Editor displays.
RTF Fragments
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The RTF Style Editor contains a list of all available RTF fragments for modification and customization. Each fragment typically contains RTF plus one or more special tag names that Enterprise Architect replaces with information during generation. Currently you cannot alter the content within the tag names, but you can omit a complete tag by removing it, or alter its basic display properties in the surrounding RTF. Special tag names are delimited by # characters; for example, #NOTES# Click on the:
To select a template during report generation, click on the Style drop-down arrow on the Rich Text Format Report dialog. Once a style is selected, Enterprise Architect applies that to the current report. Select <Basic> for the inbuilt style.
· | The RTF Style Editor discussed here automatically displays when you modify or create a Legacy RTF template. If you select a template created in the more recent Document Template Editor, that editor opens automatically instead |
· | You can transport these RTF templates between models, using the Export Reference Data and Import Reference Data options on the Project | Model Import/Export menu |
· | To delete a template, right-click on it and select the Delete Document Template context menu option |
· | You can also alter the custom language settings |
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