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Create Requirements




See also


Within Enterprise Architect you can create external Requirement elements in a number of ways, such as:

·Typing or copy/pasting a text description into the body of the Specification Manager
·Dragging a Requirement icon from the Diagram Toolbox into a specific diagram
·Generating an element within a specific Package in the Project Browser
·Dragging text from a text file onto a diagram, to generate a requirement based on that text - see below
·Importing requirements from a spreadsheet application such as Excel, via CSV
·Creating Requirement elements on the Package Browser or Diagram List for the selected Package or diagram
·Converting an internal element responsibility into an external element, in a selected target Package
·Importing requirements from another requirements management tool, such as Telelogic DOORS (in this case via the Sparx Systems MDG Link For DOORS integration tool)

All methods that add a Requirement to a diagram or window also add the Requirement to the diagram's parent Package in the Project Browser.


Specification Manager

Requirements Toolbox

Add Elements Directly To Packages

Import Requirements using CSV

Package Browser

Diagram List

Converting an Internal Responsibility

Sparx Systems MDG Link For DOORS


Create Requirement elements from text

This procedure converts a text section heading into an element name and the section text into the element's Notes text. You can use this procedure to generate elements of a range of types; however, it is particularly useful for generating Requirements from a requirements specification document.



See also


Open a Requirements diagram in the Diagram View.

Requirements Diagram



Open the document file containing the text you want to generate Requirement elements from (this can be opened in any common text editing tool).




Highlight the required heading and associated text and drag them from the text file into the diagram.

The Toolbox Shortcut menu displays.



Toolbox Shortcut Menu


Navigate through the menus and select the required element type (in this case, click on Common and Requirement).




Enterprise Architect creates a (Requirement) element in the diagram, and displays the Properties dialog with the section heading in the Name (or equivalent) field and the text in the Notes field; the element is also added to the diagram's parent Package.




·The Requirement element name can be simply descriptive text, with or without a manually-typed reference number; however, as requirements often have to have a unique reference for external checking, you can use the Enterprise Architect auto-numbering facility to automatically apply a numbering system with or without prefixes and suffixes - set the element type to Requirement
·External Requirement elements can be displayed on a diagram with or without an identifying E in the top right corner; to toggle display of this letter, select or deselect the Show stereotype icon for requirements checkbox on the Options dialog, Objects page
·Requirement elements can be color coded on a diagram to indicate their status

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