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Code Generation - Interaction Diagrams

During code generation from Interaction (Sequence) diagrams in a Class, Enterprise Architect applies its system engineering graph optimizer to transform the Class constructs into programmatic paradigms. Messages and Fragments are identified as one of the several action types based on their functionality, and Enterprise Architect uses the code generation templates to render their behavior accordingly.




See also

Action Call

A Message that invokes an operation.

Message (Sequence Diagram)


Message Examples


Action Create

A Message with Lifecycle = New.

Message (Sequence Diagram)

Message Properties


Action Destroy

A Message with Lifecycle = Delete.

Message (Sequence Diagram)

Message Properties


Action Loop

A Combined Fragment with Type = Alt.

Combined Fragment

Interaction Operators


Action If

A Combined Fragment with Type = loop.

Combined Fragment

Interaction Operators


Assign To

A call message with a valid target attribute set using the Assign To field is rendered in the code as the target attribute of a call action.


Message Properties



·To be able to generate code from behavioral models, all behavioral constructs should be contained within a Class
·For an Interaction (Sequence) diagram, the behavioral code generation engine expects the Sequence diagram and all its associated messages and interaction fragments to be encapsulated within an interaction element

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·(Alt+F1) | Enterprise Architect | Software Engineering | Behavioral Code Generation | Interaction Diagrams