Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Generate From Behavioral Models


Using Enterprise Architect's system engineering capability, you can generate code  in various software (SW) and hardware (HW) languages, including C(OO), C++, C#, Java, VB.Net, VHDL, Verilog and SystemC, from these UML behavioral diagrams:

·State Machine diagrams  (SW & HW)
·Interaction (Sequence) diagrams (SW)
·Activity diagrams (SW)

Generate code from behavioral diagrams using the EAExample project



See also


Open the EAExample.eap file by selecting the Help | Open Example Model menu option.




From the Project Browser, select any of the following Packages:
Software Language Examples:

·Project Models > System Model > Implementation Model (PSM) > Java Model With Behaviors    Generate the Account and Order classes
·Project Models > Systems Engineering Model > Implementation Model > Software > C#    Generate the DataProcessor Class
·Project Models > Systems Engineering Model > Implementation Model > Software > C++    Generate the IO Class
·Project Models > Systems Engineering Model > Implementation Model > Software > Java    Generate the IO Class
·Project Models > Systems Engineering Model > Implementation Model > Software > VBNet  Generate the IO Class


Hardware Language Examples:

·Project Models > Systems Engineering Model > Implementation Model > Hardware > SystemC     Generate the PlayBack Class
·Project Models > Systems Engineering Model > Implementation Model > Hardware > VHDL     Generate the PlayBack Class
·Project Models > Systems Engineering Model > Implementation Model > Hardware > Verilog     Generate the PlayBack Class




When completed, press Ctrl+E to open the generated source code.

You should see methods generated in the code.




·Software code generation from behavioral models is available in the Business and Software Engineering, Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect
·Hardware code generation from State Machine models is available in the Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect
·For C(OO), on the C Specifications page of the Options dialog set the Object Oriented Support option to True
·To be able to generate code from behavioral models, all behavioral constructs should be contained within a Class
·Code synchronization is not supported for behavioral code

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Learning Center topics

·(Alt+F1) | Enterprise Architect | Software Engineering | Behavioral Code Generation