Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

SVN Settings

When you specify the type of your Version Control Configuration as Subversion, the middle section of the Version Control Settings dialog changes to allow you to enter details that are specific to Subversion based configurations.

Access:     Project Browser package context menu | Package Control | Version Control Settings: Type: Subversion

Use To:

  • Define the working copy folder to be used with a Subversion based version control configuration
  • Specify the path to the Subversion command line client




See Also

Working Copy Path

Displays the full path of the folder that contains the local (working) copies of the XMI package files

This field is read-only; its value can only be set through use of the associated Select Path button


Select Path

Choose the Working Copy Path, by opening a file browser dialog and navigating through the file system to the appropriate folder


Subversion Exe Path

Displays the full path of the Subversion command line client executable file

This field is read-only; its value can only be set through use of the associated Select Path button


Select Path

Specify the path to the Subversion command line client, by opening a file browser dialog and navigating through the file system to locate the appropriate file


VC Time-Out Value

Specify the amount of time that Enterprise Architect should wait for a Subversion command to complete; if the command does not complete within the allowed time, Enterprise Architect displays a Time-out error message, detailing the command that failed to complete

This single time-out value is applied to all Version Control Configurations (of types SVN, TFS and CVS) that the user accesses from this workstation