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Create a Profile Package
The first stage in creating a UML Profile to define new model elements is to create a package that has the stereotype �profile� in your technical development model.
Access Project Browser model context menu | Add | Add Diagram
Create a Profile Package
Step |
Description |
See also |
1 |
On the New Diagram dialog, click on UML Structural in the Select From field, and Package in the Diagram Types field. Click on the OK button. The new diagram opens in the Diagram View.
2 |
Open the Profile page of the Toolbox (More tools | UML | Profile).
3 |
Drag the Profile item onto the Package diagram. The New Model Package dialog displays.
4 |
In the Package Name field, type a name for the Profile and select the Automatically add new diagram checkbox. Click on the OK button. The New Diagram dialog displays.
5 |
In the Name field, type the diagram name, then click on UML Structural in the Select From field and Class in the Diagram Types field.
6 |
Click on the OK button. The system creates a package with the stereotype �profile> and a child Class diagram. Depending on your system set-up, the Properties dialog for the package might display. If you wish, you can add any basic Package details you want to assign to the package, such as version, phase, or notes.
7 |
On the diagram, double-click on the Profile Package to open the child diagram. You now use this child diagram to add Stereotype elements to the Profile.
Learning Center topics
• | (Alt+F1) | Modeling Languages | Build a Profile | Create a Profile |