Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Whilst modeling in Enterprise Architect, you can extend and specialize the product's capabilities by using Add-Ins (extensions written in COM that interact with the Enterprise Architect user interface), and by importing XML files from, working with and publishing model information in XMI format to, specific technologies.
Menu options are provided for:
• | An Add-In when the product has been loaded into the system on start-up using the Manage Add-Ins dialog (below) |
• | ODM, ArcGIS, BPMN 2.0 and GML when they have been enabled through the MDG Technologies dialog (Settings | MDG Technologies) |
Access Extensions
Technology Options
Option |
Action |
Shortcut |
See also |
ArcGIS |
Display a menu of options for the built-in MDG Technology for ArcGIS, a technology supporting geospatial data modeling. Using this menu you can:
Ctrl+Shift+M |
Display a menu of options for the built-in MDG Technology for Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM), a technology for developing large-scale ontologies for project domains. Using this menu you can:
Display a menu of options for the built-in MDG Technology for GML, a technology supporting geographical feature modeling. Using this menu you can:
Import |
Display a menu of options for importing XMI/XML from a variety of formats. ArcGIS, OWL/RDF and EMX are specifically supported, but a wide range of other tools' XML output can be imported into Enterprise Architect using the Other Tools/Formats menu option.
Publish |
Display a menu of options for Publishing (exporting) Enterprise Architect model information in a specific format for consumption by other tools or processes. A wide range of output formats is supported, and you can further tailor the output by including or excluding diagram information, Enterprise Architect specific extensions and so on. You would tailor your published file for the capabilities of the tool or process expected to consume it. The Normative XMI 2.4.1 option provides a quick means of exporting model information in the latest UML/XMI combination with no Enterprise Architect extension information or diagram information. This format is most useful for standards development and for base interoperability with other UML based tools. Note that you should not use this menu to Publish model information for consumption by other users of Enterprise Architect. For that purpose, use the Project | Model Import/Export options.
Dynamic/Configuration options for Add-Ins such as TOGAF or UPDM
Option |
Action |
Shortcut |
See also |
<Add-In Name(s)> |
Access the facilities of the selected Add-In, through a submenu (below). For example, if you have TOGAF enabled on your system, you could click on the TOGAF menu option and display the options available to you as a TOGAF user.
Add-In Windows |
Display a window, or list of windows, provided by any Add-Ins you have installed and enabled. If no windows are provided, an empty, docked Add-Ins window displays.
Manage Add-Ins |
Display the Manage Add-Ins dialog, which you use to enable or disable Add-Ins for use. Any technology loaded by an Add-In is automatically enabled; if you do not want to use it, you can disable it on the dialog.
Add-In Submenu
Option |
Action |
Shortcut |
See also |
<Add-In specific options> |
List options to perform various functions specific to the Add-In. For example, the MDG Technology For Zachman Framework, as an Add-In, has the options Open Example Model and Insert New Framework Model.
Help |
Display the Help subsystem for the Add-In (if one has been provided).
About |
Display information on the Add-In installation, such as version, registration details and copyright statement.