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User Security

User Security in Enterprise Architect is a means of blocking the use of model update functions across the model by means of access permissions for each function, and protecting specific elements and diagrams from change by means of user locks. The intent is not to prevent access to information, but to prevent inadvertent changes to data.

Security is an optional facility in the system. If required it is enabled by the Security Administrator, who at the same time sets the security policy to either:

Require User Lock to Edit - the whole project is blocked against editing and the user locks an object to open it and edit it, or
User/group locking - the whole project is open for editing and the user locks an object to protect it from being edited


The Security Administrator also sets up the user and group IDs and passwords, which every user requires to log in to the model when security is enabled. Access permissions are assigned to the user IDs to determine which update functions the user can apply. The users can still view any information in the project. If security is not enabled in the project, no login is required and users do not have to have access permissions to perform update functions.

Access     Project | Security

Security Operations

Operations For


See also


A number of security tasks can be performed only by users with Administrative permissions to the security operations. The person who enables security receives online instructions to login as Admin. This login ID automatically:

Has access permissions to perform all security operations
Is a member of an Administrators user group, which also has access permissions to perform all security operations

Enable/Disable Security

Set Security Policy

Maintain Users

Import User IDs From Active Directory

Assign User To Groups

Set Up Single Permissions

View All User Permissions

Maintain Groups

Set Group Permissions

View and Manage Locks

Password Encryption

Change Password (of any user)



Other security tasks can be performed by users who do not have Administrative rights, on work performed under their own user ID. These users must still have the appropriate access permissions to perform many of these 'user' tasks.

Lock Model Elements

Lock Packages

Apply a User Lock

Identify Who Has Locked An Object

Locked Element Indicators

Manage Your Own Locks

Change Password (your own password)



User Security can be enabled in the Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, System Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect